18 Pelco Manual C1941M (7/98)
Figure 13. Configuring the COMMS file for VCRC Operation
10 . Define operator access, sa ve the GPI file, return to the MGR main menu screen
and press the tab to bring up the COMMS file (.SCP file). Refer to Figure 13.
11. In the COMMs file assign an equipment number “17” to the por t on the CC1
that will be used for communicating to the VCRC. Also, set communication
settings for 9600 baud and even parity. Save the COMMs file, bac k out of the
MGR program and tr ansfer all appropriate configuration files to disk and load
these files onto the CC1 to which your VCRC configuration is attached. You
should now be ready to oper ate your VCR via direct control from the CM9760-