Menu Bar

This executes functions or sets various settings of PENTAX PHOTO Browser 2.0.

For Macintosh, the menu bar appears at the top of the desktop.

File menu

Create New Folder

This creates a new folder in the location specified on


the Folder tree pane. (p.73)


This opens the selected folder. For an image


selected in the Thumbnail pane, it displays the image


in a new main image window.


This changes the name of the selected file or folder.



Rename All

This changes the names of all selected files. (p.72)

Page Setup

This sets printing options such as margins, headers/


footers, and number of copies. (p.57)


This prints the selected image file. (p.52)


The properties of the selected file or folder appear.




This closes PENTAX PHOTO Browser 2.0.


(For Macintosh, select [Quit PENTAX PHOTO





Edit menu



This undoes the previous file operation.


This prepares the selected file or folder to be moved


to a different location. (p.67)


This copies the selected file or folder. (p.67)


This copies the cut or copied file or folder into the


selected folder. (p.67)


This deletes the selected folder or image. When a


folder is deleted, all files in the folder are also deleted.



Check Selected Image

This checks the selected file.

Uncheck Selected Image

This unchecks the selected file.

Uncheck All

This unchecks all images.

Select All

This selects all files within the currently open folder.

Invert Selection

This unselects all selected files and selects all


unselected files within the currently open folder.