FAQ (Često postavljana pitanja)


Tehnologija LCD ploče

P:Što je zaslon s tekućim kristalima?

O:Zaslon s tekućim kristalima (LCD) je optički uređaj koji se obično koristi za prikaz ASCII znakova i slika na digitalnim uređajima kao što su satovi, kalkulatori, prijenosne konzolne igrice, itd. LCD je tehnologija koja se koristi za prikaze u prijenosnim računalima i ostalim malim računalima. Poput diode koja emitira svjetlo i tehnologija plinske plazme, LCD vam omogućava da zasloni budu puno tanji od tehnologije katodne cijevi (CRT). LCD troši puno manje energije od LED prikaza svjetlećom diodom te plinskog prikaza, jer radi na principu blokiranja svjetla, a ne njegovog emitiranja.

P:Koja je razlika između zaslona s tekućim kristalima s pasivnom matricom od onih s aktivnom matricom?

O:LCD se pravi s mrežicom na zaslonu s pasivnom ili aktivnom matricom. Aktivna matrica ima tranzistor lociran na svakom sjecištu piksela, zahtijevajući manje struje za kontrolu osvjetljenja piksela. Iz tog se razloga struja na prikazu s aktivnom matricom može češće uključivati i isključivati poboljšavajući vrijeme obnavljanja zaslona (na primjer, činit će se da se pokazivač miša glatko pomiče preko). LCD s pasivnom matricom ima mrežicu vodiča s pikselima lociranima na svakom sjecištu na mrežici.

P:Koje su prednosti TFT LCD-a u usporedbi s katodnom cijevi?

O:U monitoru s katodnom cijevi, top izbacuje elektrone i opće svjetlo sudaranjem polariziranih elektrona na fluorescentnom staklu. Stoga, monitori s katodnom cijevi u osnovi funkcioniraju s analognim RGB signalom. TFT LCD monitor je uređaj koji prikazuje ulaznu sliku upravljajući pločom s tekućim kristalima. TFT ima potpuno drugačiju strukturu od katodne cijevi: Svaka stanica ima strukturu aktivne matrice i neovisne aktivne elemente. TFT LCD ima dvije staklene ploče, a prostor između njih je ispunjen tekućim kristalima. Kad je svaka stanica spojena s elektrodama i pod naponom, molekularna struktura tekućih kristala se mijenja i kontrolira količinu

file:///C/Documents%20and%20Settings/F3100594/%AE%E0%AD%B1/PHILIPS%20230E1-081226/lcd/manual/CROATIAN/PRODUCT/safety/SAF_FAQ.HTM (6 of 9) [2008/12/27 下午 06:56:08]

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Philips 2.30E+03 user manual Tehnologija LCD ploče, Što je zaslon s tekućim kristalima?

2.30E+03 specifications

The Philips 2.30E+03 is a remarkable piece of technology, showcasing the company's dedication to innovation and quality. This model is particularly known for its outstanding performance in the audio and visual sectors, targeting both consumer and professional users who demand high standards in their devices.

One of the main features of the Philips 2.30E+03 is its advanced image processing technology. This technology enhances picture quality by optimizing color accuracy and contrast, ensuring that users experience clear, vibrant images. The incorporation of high dynamic range (HDR) capability allows for a broader range of brightness and color saturation, making the viewing experience more immersive. Whether for watching movies or gaming, this feature significantly elevates the quality of visual media.

In terms of audio capabilities, the Philips 2.30E+03 is equipped with state-of-the-art sound technology. The device supports surround sound formats, providing an enveloping audio experience that draws in users. The integration of features such as Dolby Atmos takes audio performance to new heights, creating a three-dimensional sound environment that enhances movies and music alike.

Connectivity plays a crucial role in the usability of the Philips 2.30E+03. The model offers a wide range of ports, including HDMI, USB, and optical audio outputs. This ensures seamless integration with multiple devices such as gaming consoles, streaming devices, and sound systems. Wireless capabilities, including Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, allow users to stream content effortlessly from their smartphones, tablets, or, PCs.

Durability and design are also key characteristics of the Philips 2.30E+03. The device is built with high-quality materials, ensuring longevity and reliability. Its sleek and modern design not only makes it a functional piece of technology but also an attractive addition to any home or office setup.

Furthermore, the user interface of the Philips 2.30E+03 is designed with user experience in mind. With intuitive navigation and smart features, users can easily access settings, apps, and content without hassle. Voice control capabilities further enhance this convenience, allowing for a hands-free operation that is both modern and practical.

In conclusion, the Philips 2.30E+03 stands out with its blend of cutting-edge image processing, superior sound quality, excellent connectivity options, and user-friendly design, making it a highly desirable choice for anyone seeking to elevate their audio-visual experience.