LCD widescreen monitor
22" wide WSXGA+
Specifications Product highlights
•LCD panel type: 1680 x 1050 pixels, Anti-glare
polariser, RGB vertical stripe
•Panel Size: 22"/55.9 cm
•Effective viewing area: 473.76 x 296.1 mm
•Pixel pitch: 0.282 x 0.282 mm
•Brightness: 300 cd/m²
•Contrast ratio (typical): 1000:1
•SmartContrast ratio (dynamic): 4000:1
•Display colours: 16.7 M
•Viewing angle: 160º (H)/160º (V), @ C/R > 10
•Response time (typical): 5 ms
•SmartResponse: 2 ms (Grey to Grey)
•Maximum Resolution: 1680 x 1050 @ 60Hz
(digital input)
•Recommended Resolution: 1680 x 1050 @ 60Hz
(digital input)
•Video Dot Rate: 205 MHz
•Horizontal Scanning Frequency: 30 - 93 kHz
•Vertical Scanning Frequency: 56 - 76 Hz
•Picture enhancement: SmartImage
•Signal Input: Analogue (VGA), DVI-D
•USB: 1 x USB 2.0
•Video Sync Input Signal: Composite Sync, Separate
Sync, Sync on Green
•Convenience Enhancements: On-screen Display,
SmartControl II
•Monitor Controls: SmartImage, Auto (Back),
Input (Down), Brightness (Up), Menu (OK),
Power On/Off
•OSD Languages: English, French, German, Italian,
Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish
•Other convenience: Kensington lock compatible
•Plug & Play Compatibility: DDC/CI, sRGB,
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista
•Regulatory Approvals: CE Mark, EMC, Energy
Star, FCC-B, UL, CSA, TCO '06
•Tilt: -5° to 20°
•Included Accessories: AC Power Lead, VGA cable
•User Manual
•Box dimensions (W x H x D):
565 x 472 x 161 mm
•Box dimensions in inch (W x H x D):
22.2 x 18.6 x 6.3 inch
•Set dimensions (W x H x D): 518 x 344 x 64 mm
•Set dimensions in inch (W x H x D):
20.4 x 13.5 x 2.5 inch
•Set dimensions with stand (W x H x D):
518 x 415 x 200 mm
•Set dimensions with stand in inch (W x H x D):
20.4 x 16.3 x 7.9 inch
•MTBF: 50,000 (excl. CCFL 40,000) hrs
•Relative humidity: 20% - 80%
•Temperature range (operation): 0°C to 40°C
•Temperature range (storage): -20°C to 60°C
•Product weight (+stand): 5.4 kg
•Product weight (+stand) (lb): 11.9 lb
•Weight incl. Packaging: 7.19 kg
•Weight incl. Packaging (lb): 15.9
•Complies with: Energy Star
•Consumption: < 45 W (typical)
•Consumption (economy mode): 32 W
•Off Mode: < 1 W
•Power LED indicator: Standby/sleep - Amber,
Operation - green
•Power supply: Built-in, 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Issue date 2008-10-27
Version: 3.0.5
12 NC: 8670 000 32401
EAN: 87 12581 35153 3
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Widescreen design
A wide screen has a wider aspect ratio for displaying
more ent er tai nme nt or i nf orm ati on t o h ave mor e f un a nd
get more done.
SmartImage is an exclusive leading-edge Philips
technology that analyses the content displayed on your
screen. Based on a scenario you select, SmartImage
dynamically enhances the contrast, colour saturation and
sharpness of images and videos for ultimate display
performance - all in real time and at the p ress of a s ingl e
SmartContrast is Philips technology that analyses the
contents you are displaying, automatically adjusting
colours and controlling backlight intensity to dynamically
enhance contrast for the best digital images and
optimum contrast for better entertainment when viewing
videos or playing games where dark hues are displayed;
when you select the Economy mode, contrast is adjusted
and backlighting fine-tuned for just-right display of
everyday office applications and lower power
SmartResponse is exclusive Philips technology that
adjusts response time to application requirements,
deliv ering fast er re spon se tim es fo r gam ing a nd vid eos o r
better colour saturation for viewing photos and static
PerfecTune is industry-leading, proprietary Philips testing
and algorithm technology for monitor adjustment and
fine tuning, an extensive process that ensures ultimate
display performance in compliance with a standard four
times more stringent than Microsoft's Vista requirements
from each and every monitor that leaves the factory - not
just a few review samples. Only Philips goes to these
lengths to deliver this exacting level of colour accuracy
and display quality in every new monitor.
SmartAccessory is an innovative and friendly solution for
easily and flexibly attaching peripherals like a webcam or
stationery onto a monitor frame to keep your space tidy
and organised. It is equipped with multifunction clips with
a universal interface that attaches to the monitor frame
and moves up and down or left and right to
acc om mo dat e a va ri et y o f i nc lu de d o r o pt io na l h ol de rs for
stationery, small peripherals like webcams, conveniently
locating work or personal items in your line of sight and
at your fingertips.
SmartControl II
SmartControl II is monitor-based software with an easy-
to-use on-screen graphic interface that guides you
through fine-tuning resolution, colour calibration and
other displ ay se ttin gs in clud ing br ight ness , con trast , clo ck
& phase, position, RGB, white point and - on models with
onboard speakers - volume adjustments.
USB 2.0 port
The universal serial bus or USB is a standard protocol for
linking PCs and peripherals. Since it delivers high speed
at a lo w cost , USB has b ecom e the m ost p opul ar me thod
for connecting peripheral devices to a computer. A port
located on a monitor directly in the user's line of sight
provide s easy, high-sp eed con nectiv ity for U SB devi ces at
a convenient location. (USB 2.0 support is dependent on
your PC's USB configuration; when connected to a PC that
supports USB 2.0, your monitor is USB 2.0 compatible)