3 Enter the th ree-digit page numb er of the
subtitle pag e with the Numeric buttons.
4 Press MHEG/TELETEXT to switch of f
The »[Subtitle mode] menu appears.
6 Select [On] to dis play subtitles always or
[On during mute] to disp lay subtitles only
when audio is mu ted.
7 Press OK to enable subtitles.
Repeat this procedure to enable subtitles on •
each analogue channel.
Select • [Subtitle mode] > [Off ] to disable
Enable subtitles on digital TV channels
1 When watch ing digital channels , press
The »[Subtitle mode] menu appears.
2 Select [On] to display subtitles always or
[On during mute] to disp lay subtitles only
when audio is mu ted.
3 Press OK to enable subtitles.
Select a subtitle language on digital TV
When you sele ct a subtitle lang uage on •
a digital T V channel as descr ibed below,
the prefer red subtitle lan guage set in the
installation menu is temporarily overruled.
1 Press MENU.
2 Press to select [Setup] >
[Features] > [Subtitle language].
5 Enter your code a nd press OK.
6 Repeat the p rocess to unlock more
Restar t the TV for the cha nge to take effect . •
If you use • P +/- on your remote co ntrol to
switch bet ween channels, t he locked channels
are skipped.
If you access the lo cked channels from th e
channel gr id, a screen prompt ing you to enter
your current code appears.
Set parental ratings
Some digita l broadcasters r ate their
programm es according to age. You can set
your TV to displ ay only programmes wit h age
ratings high er than your child’s age.
1 Press MENU.
2 Press to select [Setup] >
[Features] > [Parental ratin g].
A code setup screen appears. »
3 Enter your code u sing Numeric buttons.
The parental rating menu appears. »
4 Press to select an age r ating.
5 Press OK to confir m.
6 Press MENU to exit.
Use subtitles
You can enable subtitles for each TV channel.
Subtitles are broadcast via teletext or DVB-
T digital broadcasts. With digital broadcasts,
you have the additional option of selecting a
preferred subtitle language.
Enable subtitles on analogue TV
1 Select an analogue TV channel.
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