you call a contact and they can't take the call, you can send a
Skype voicemail to your contact.
To send a voicemail or to receive a voicemail, you - or your
contact - must set up Skype voicemail first. You can set up
Voicemail on your computer. Go to
When you made voicemail available for you on a computer, set
your voicemail preferences in the Skype menu > Settings >
Record a Voicemail
When you call a contact and they can't take the call, you can
leave a voicemail.
To record a voicemail…
1 - Call a contact. If your call was not answered, Skype will
propose to send a Voicemail.
2 - Select Yes and speak your message.
3 - To stop recording, select End call and press OK.
Play a Voicemail
A contact can send a voicemail message to you. If a voicemail
was sent to you, a small icon will show on the Skype menu. You
can play a voicemail from the History page.
To play a voicemail…
1 - In the Skype menu, select History and press OK.
2 - Select Voicemails and press OK.
3 - Select the voicemail you want to play and press OK. You can
listen to a voicemail as many times you want. To manage your
voicemails, press OPTIONS.
Skype credit
On Skype, you can buy Skype Credit or take a Skype
subscription. With Skype Credit or a Skype subscription
available, you can call landline phones and mobile phones with
your TV.
Buy Skype Credit
To buy Skype Credit or take a Skype subscription, sign in to
Skype on your computer.
The Skype Credit you buy will be available when you sign in to
Skype on your TV.
The amount of credit or the subscription information is shown
on each page where you can make a phone call.
Skype Credit low
You will be notified if your credit is too low to make a phone
Skype settings

Signing in

You can set Skype to automatically sign in when you select
Skype from the Home menu. You do not need to enter your
Skype Name or password.
To sign in when Skype starts…
1 - Sign in to Skype with your account.
2 - In the Skype menu, select Settings and press OK.
3 - Select Signing in and press OK.
4 - Press (right) to select the check box and press OK to
mark Sign me in when Skype starts.

Change password

You can change your current Skype password and enter a new
password for your Skype account.
To change your password…
1 - Sign in to Skype with your account.
2 - In the Skype menu, select Settings and press OK.
3 - Select Change password.
4 - Press (right) to select Current password and enter your
current password. Press OK first if you want to use the on
screen keyboard.
5 - Press (down) to select New password and enter you new
6 - Press (down) again to select Repeat new password and re-
enter the new password.
7 - Press (down) again to select Apply to send the new
password for confirmation.


You can set Skype to restrict the use of video in Skype calls.
With Automatically receive video from, you can set Skype to
automatically receive and show video from Anyone, People in
my contact list only or from No one.
With Show that I have video to, you can set Skype to send out
your video to People in my contact list only or to No one.
To set the Video settings…
1 - Sign in to Skype with your account.
2 - In the Skype menu, select Settings and press OK.
3 - Select Video.
4 - Press (right) to select the radio buttons and press OK to
mark or unmark.