6Cutter should be held as shown and brushed in an upward
motion. Clean razor comb with long bristles of brush in a circular motion.
7For consistently close and comfortable shaves, razor heads should be cleaned and lubricated every 4 weeks.
Clean heads in a degreasing liquid or alcohol.
8 While holding Razor Head Assembly in one hand, gently place one cutter/comb back into Assembly.
9Repeat procedure for other cutting head.
10Replace frame back into Razor Head Assembly.
11Press Razor Head Assembly back on razor housing.
12Lubricate heads by spreading Norelco Razor Lubricant, model AL80, or one drop of mineral oil over floating heads with your finger.
For assistance or the Authorized Norelco Service Location nearest you, call toll free:
or visit our website: www.norelco.com
Authorized Norelco Service Location information is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
It is recommended that you replace your razor heads once a year.
HQ156/2 Advantage Replacement Heads:
DO NOT USE shaver sharpeners as this will damage your blades and lifters and will adversely affect the shaving performance.
Nivea for Men Shaving Lotion
Replacement Cartridges
Advantage Nivea for Men Shaving Lotion Cartridges, 5 to a box, model HQ150.
Razor Lubricant:
Norelco Razor Lubricant, model AL80.
Batteries should be removed only when razor is to be discarded.
Turn razor off and unplug before dismantling for battery removal.
All servicing or battery replacement should be performed by an Authorized Norelco Service Location only.
Refer to Battery Removal instruction sheet for directions on removing the rechargeable battery.