

Aspect ratio (ǡǻǽǹǭǿ ǵǴǻǮǽǭdzDzǺǵȌ) ǡǻǽǹǭǿ ǵǴǻǮǽǭdzDzǺǵȌ ǼǽDzDZǾǿǭǯǸȌDzǿ ǾǻǮǻǶ ǾǻǻǿǺǻȅDzǺǵDz ȅǵǽǵǺȈ ǵ ǯȈǾǻǿȈ ǿDzǸDzǯǵǴǵǻǺǺǻǰǻ ȊǷǽǭǺǭ. ǡǻǽǹǭǿ ǵǴǻǮǽǭdzDzǺǵȌ ǾǿǭǺDZǭǽǿǺǻǰǻ ǿDzǸDzǯǵǴǻǽǭ

4:3, ȅǵǽǻǷǻȊǷǽǭǺǺȈDz ǿDzǸDzǯǵǴǻǽȈ ǵ ǿDzǸDzǯǵǴǻǽȈ ǯȈǾǻǷǻǶ ȄDzǿǷǻǾǿǵ ǵǹDzȋǿ ȁǻǽǹǭǿ ǵǴǻǮǽǭdzDzǺǵȌ 16:9. ǡǻǽǹǭǿ ǵǴǻǮǽǭdzDzǺǵȌ "letterbox" ǼǻǴǯǻǸȌDzǿ ȀǯǵDZDzǿȉ ǵǴǻǮǽǭdzDzǺǵDz Ǻǭ ȊǷǽǭǺDz Ǿ ǮǻǸDzDz ȅǵǽǻǷǻǶ ǼDzǽǾǼDzǷǿǵǯǻǶ, ȄDzǹ Ǻǭ ǾǿǭǺDZǭǽǿǺǻǹ ȊǷǽǭǺDz




Digital Living Network Alliance. ǙDzdzDZȀǺǭǽǻDZǺǻDz ǹDzdzǻǿǽǭǾǸDzǯǻDz ǾǻǿǽȀDZǺǵȄDzǾǿǯǻ ǷǻǹǼǭǺǵǶ, ǴǭǺǵǹǭȋȆǵȂǾȌ ǼǻǿǽDzǮǵǿDzǸȉǾǷǻǶ ȊǸDzǷǿǽǻǺǵǷǻǶ, ǯȈȄǵǾǸǵǿDzǸȉǺǻǶ ǿDzȂǺǵǷǻǶ ǵ ǹǻǮǵǸȉǺȈǹǵ ȀǾǿǽǻǶǾǿǯǭǹǵ. ǤǸDzǺȈ DLNA ǼǽDzDZǾǿǭǯǸȌȋǿ ǼDzǽǾǼDzǷǿǵǯȈ ǼǽǻǯǻDZǺȈȂ ǵ ǮDzǾǼǽǻǯǻDZǺȈȂ ǯǴǭǵǹǻDZDzǶǾǿǯȀȋȆǵȂ ǾDzǿDzǶ, ǯ ǷǻǿǻǽȈȂ ȃǵȁǽǻǯǻDz ǾǻDZDzǽdzǭǺǵDz, ǿǭǷǻDz ǷǭǷ ȁǻǿǻǰǽǭȁǵǵ, ǹȀǴȈǷǭ ǵ ǯǵDZDzǻ ǹǻdzDzǿ ǾǻǯǹDzǾǿǺǻ ǵǾǼǻǸȉǴǻǯǭǿȉǾȌ ǼǻǿǽDzǮǵǿDzǸȉǾǷǻǶ ȊǸDzǷǿǽǻǺǵǷǻǶ (CE), ǼDzǽǾǻǺǭǸȉǺȈǹǵ ǷǻǹǼȉȋǿDzǽǭǹǵ (ǜǗ) ǵ ǹǻǮǵǸȉǺȈǹǵ ȀǾǿǽǻǶǾǿǯǭǹǵ, ǷǭǷ DZǻǹǭ, ǿǭǷ ǵ Ǵǭ Dzǰǻ ǼǽDzDZDzǸǭǹǵ.



A very common digital still picture format.A still-picture data compression system proposed by the Joint Photographic Expert Group, which features small decrease in image quality in spite of its high compression ratio. Files are recognized by their fi le extension ‘.jpg’ or ‘.jpeg.’


Memory Stick

Memory Stick. ǡǸȊȅ-Ƿǭǽǿǭ ǼǭǹȌǿǵ DZǸȌ ȂǽǭǺDzǺǵȌ ȃǵȁǽǻǯȈȂ DZǭǺǺȈȂ Ǻǭ ǷǭǹDzǽǭȂ, ǯǵDZDzǻǷǭǹDzǽǭȂ ǵ DZǽȀǰǵȂ ǼǻǽǿǭǿǵǯǺȈȂ ȀǾǿǽǻǶǾǿǯǭȂ.



Really Simple Syndication. ǡǻǽǹǭǿ ǽǭǾǼǽDzDZDzǸDzǺǵȌ ǽǭǾǼǽǻǾǿǽǭǺDzǺ DZǸȌ ǭǰǽDzǰǭȃǵǵ ǻǮǺǻǯǸDzǺǵǶ ǮǸǻǰǻǯ ǵ ǾǭǶǿǻǯ ǺǻǯǻǾǿDzǶ. RSS ǿǭǷdzDz ǻǮǻǴǺǭȄǭDzǿ “Rich Site Summary” ǵ “RDF Site Summary.”



Service Set IDentifi er. ǕǹȌ, ǼǽǵǾǯǻDzǺǺǻDz ǮDzǾǼǽǻǯǻDZǺǻǶ ǾDzǿǵ Wi-Fi. ǏǾDz ȀǾǿǽǻǶǾǿǯǭ DZǻǸdzǺȈ ǵǾǼǻǸȉǴǻǯǭǿȉ ǿǻ dzDz ǵǹȌ Ǿ ȀȄDzǿǻǹ ǽDzǰǵǾǿǽǭ DZǸȌ ǯǴǭǵǹǻDZDzǶǾǿǯǵȌ, ǷǻǿǻǽǻDz ǼǽDzDZǾǿǭǯǸȌDzǿ ǾǻǮǻǶ ǿDzǷǾǿǻǯȀȋ ǾǿǽǻǷȀ DZǻ 32 ǮǭǶǿ. ǛǮȈȄǺǻ SSID ǼǽǵǾǯǭǵǯǭDzǿǾȌ ǺǭǴǯǭǺǵDz ǼǻǾǿǭǯȆǵǷǭ ǻǮǻǽȀDZǻǯǭǺǵȌ.

ǒǰǻ ǹǻdzǺǻ ǵǴǹDzǺǵǿȉ ǯǽȀȄǺȀȋ, ǻǿǷǽȈǯ ǼǭǽǭǹDzǿǽȈ ǷǻǺȁǵǰȀǽǭȃǵǵ ǿǻȄǷǵ DZǻǾǿȀǼǭ Ǽǽǵ ǼǻǹǻȆǵ ǯDzǮ-ǮǽǭȀǴDzǽǭ. ǗǸǵDzǺǿǾǷǵDz ȀǾǿǽǻǶǾǿǯǭ ǾǼǻǾǻǮǺȈ ǵDZDzǺǿǵȁǵȃǵǽǻǯǭǿȉ ǯǾDz ǮDzǾǼǽǻǯǻDZǺȈDz ǾDzǿǵ, ǻǮǺǭǽȀdzDzǺǺȈDz Ǽǽǵ ǴǭǰǽȀǴǷDz, ǼǻǷǭ ǾDzǿǵ ǺDz ǮȀDZȀǿ ǾǷǽȈǿȈ.



Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. ǜǽǻǿǻǷǻǸ ǼDzǽDzDZǭȄǵ, ǽǭǴǽǭǮǻǿǭǺǺȈǶ Ǽǻ ǵǺǵȃǵǭǿǵǯDz ǙǵǺǵǾǿDzǽǾǿǯǭ ǛǮǻǽǻǺȈ ǞǥǍ DZǸȌ ǽǭǴǺǻǰǻ ǽǻDZǭ ǾǵǾǿDzǹ DZǸȌ ǽǭǮǻǿȈ

ǯǕǺǿDzǽǺDzǿDz. ǕǴǻǮǽDzǿDzǺǺȈǶ ǏǵǺǿǻǺǻǹ ǞDzǽȁǻǹ (Vinton Cerf) ǵ ǎǻǮǻǹ ǗǭǺǺǻǹ (Bob Kahn), Ȋǿǻǿ ǯ DZDzǶǾǿǯǵǿDzǸȉǺǻǾǿǵ ǾǿǽǭǺDZǭǽǿ ǼǽǻǰǽǭǹǹǺȈȂ ǾǽDzDZǾǿǯ - Ȋǿǻ ǼǽǻǿǻǷǻǸ ǕǺǿDzǽǺDzǿǭ ǵ ǰǸǻǮǭǸȉǺȈǶ ǾǿǭǺDZǭǽǿ ǼDzǽDzDZǭȄǵ.


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Philips 8FF3WMI manual ǏǸǻǾǾǭǽǵǶ, 54 RU

8FF3WMI specifications

The Philips 8FF3WMI is a versatile and innovative digital photo frame that combines modern technology with elegant design, making it an ideal choice for displaying cherished memories. With a sleek and lightweight body, the frame is designed to blend seamlessly into any home décor, allowing users to showcase their favorite photographs in style.

One of the standout features of the Philips 8FF3WMI is its high-resolution display. The frame boasts an impressive resolution, providing vibrant colors and sharp details that bring your photos to life. The 8-inch screen size is perfect for table tops and shelves, making it an eye-catching addition to any room.

Connectivity is another strong point of the 8FF3WMI. Equipped with Wi-Fi capabilities, the digital frame enables users to easily share photos from their smartphones or other connected devices. The integration of cloud services allows for convenient access to an online library of images, ensuring you can update your frame with new memories without any hassle. Additionally, the frame supports various image formats, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of files.

Navigating through images is a breeze, thanks to the user-friendly interface and intuitive controls of the Philips 8FF3WMI. Users can enjoy a variety of display options, including slideshow settings that can be customized to feature images in an alternating sequence, allowing for dynamic presentations of photographs.

In terms of storage, the 8FF3WMI incorporates a built-in memory that provides ample space for storing a significant number of photos. Furthermore, it features a USB port and an SD card slot, enabling users to expand their storage capacity as needed and easily transfer images from multiple sources.

The frame is designed with energy efficiency in mind, featuring an automatic power-saving mode that activates when the frame is not in use, thereby extending its lifespan. Philips emphasizes user comfort with adjustable brightness settings, allowing users to customize the display according to their environment and preferences.

Overall, the Philips 8FF3WMI digital photo frame merges style, connectivity, and advanced technology, making it an excellent way to honor precious moments. Whether it’s for personal use, gifting, or enhancing corporate environments, its features and capabilities cater to a variety of photography display needs, ensuring beautiful memories can be enjoyed for years to come.