AQ 6688 /14 - page 31


V p¿’pad“ jakŽkoliv z‡vady, p¿edt’m ne odnesete p¿’stroj do opravny, zkontrolujte ho podle n’e uveden´ch bod•. Jestlie se v‡m problŽm, podle na¶ich n‡vrh• nepoda¿’ vy¿e¶it, obra te se na prodejnu nebo na servis.

UPOZORNíNê: V ‡dnŽm p¿’pad“ se nepokou¶ejte sami p¿’stroj opravit, protoe v tomto p¿’pad“ ztrat’te pr‡vo na z‡ruku.



Ûum v p¿’pad“ pouit’ s’ ovŽho adaptŽru

Ð Nevhodn´ adaptŽr

¥Pouijte adaptŽr Philips SBC6650 nebo jin´ standardn’ adaptŽr 3V DC

Ûpatn‡ kvalita zvuku/nen’ zvuk

ÐP¿’poj sluch‡tek nen’ dob¿e zasunut´ ¥ Zasu˜te dob¿e p¿’poj sluch‡tek

ÐS’la zvuku je nastavena na n’zkou hodnotu ¥ Zesilte zvuk

ÐHlava magnetofonu je zne•i¶t“na

¥ Vy•ist“te hlavu (viz òDR\BA)

Siln´ ¶um/zkreslen’ zvuku p¿i p¿’jmu rozhlasov´ch stanic

ÐAntŽna FM (vodi• sluch‡tek) nen’ œpln“ vysunuta ¥ Vysu˜te œpln“ antŽnu FM

ÐP¿’stroj je v p¿’li¶nŽ bl’zkosti televizoru, po•’ta•e, atd.

¥ Um’st“te p¿’stroj ve v“t¶’ vzd‡lenosti od elektrick´ch za¿’zen’

ÐVy•erpanŽ nap‡jec’ •l‡nky ¥ Vlote novŽ nap‡jec’ •l‡nky

Ovl‡dac’ tla•’tka na p¿edn’ stran“/displej nefunguj’ spr‡vn“

Ð Elektrostatick´ v´boj

¥Vtiskn“te ¶pi•ku propisovac’ tuky do otvoru RESET a potŽ naprogramujte znovu v¶echna nastaven’

AutomatickŽ vracen’ p‡sku p¿ed jeho koncem

Ð Nadm“rnŽ t¿en’ p‡sku

¥ Pokuste se p‡sek jednou zrychlen“ p¿evinout


TypovŽ •’slo najdete na spodn’ stran“ p¿’stroje, v´robn’ •’slo v prostoru pro nap‡jec’ •l‡nky.

P¿’stroj odpov’d‡ p¿edpis•m EvropskŽho spole•enstv’ o poruch‡ch v r‡diovŽ frekvenci.


Page 31
Image 31
Philips AQ 6688/14 manual ¯EHLED MO\NàCH ZçVAD

AQ 6688/14 specifications

The Philips AQ 6688/14 is a cutting-edge digital audio player that exemplifies innovation and quality in portable music playback. Designed for both audiophiles and casual listeners, the AQ 6688/14 integrates advanced technologies to deliver an exceptional audio experience.

One of the most notable features of the AQ 6688/14 is its high-resolution audio capabilities. The device supports a wide range of audio formats, including MP3, WMA, and WAV, ensuring that users can enjoy their favorite songs in the best possible quality. With a sample rate of up to 192kHz/24-bit, listeners can experience the nuances in their music that typical players may overlook.

Another important aspect of the AQ 6688/14 is its sleek and stylish design. The device features a user-friendly interface with a vivid color display that makes navigating through music libraries a breeze. The ergonomic design ensures comfortable handling, making it perfect for travel or daily commutes.

The Philips AQ 6688/14 also includes an impressive battery life, allowing up to 30 hours of continuous playback on a single charge. This longevity is perfect for users who enjoy long listening sessions without the need for frequent recharging. The device features a quick charge function that provides hours of playback even with a short charging time.

In terms of connectivity, the AQ 6688/14 is equipped with Bluetooth technology, enabling users to stream music wirelessly to compatible headphones or speakers. This feature provides the freedom to enjoy music without the hassle of tangled wires, making it ideal for active lifestyles.

Moreover, the device comes with built-in FM radio, offering users the option to listen to their favorite radio stations while on the go. Additionally, the AQ 6688/14 includes an expandable memory slot, which allows users to increase their storage capacity up to 128GB, accommodating extensive music libraries.

The Philips AQ 6688/14 embodies a perfect blend of high-quality sound, modern design, and user-friendly features, making it a great choice for anyone seeking a reliable and advanced digital audio player. With its focus on audio fidelity, convenience, and versatility, the AQ 6688/14 stands out in the crowded market of portable music devices.