3.2 Data frame
3.2.1 Poll sequence: frame format
The poll sequence must be transmitted before sending any command, to check whether
the monitor is ready to accept a command or it is busy.
The poll message in enclosed in a frame that has the following format:
<Start> <Address> <E> <Stop>
<Start> = <Esc> <$>, i.e. ASCII characters [1Bh] and [24h].
<Address> = 3 ASCII characters each of which ranging from [30h] to [39h], which are
used as monitor address.
<E> = the ASCII character [45h].
<Stop> = <;>, i.e. the ASCII character [3Bh].
3.2.2 Acknowledge to poll sequence: frame format
Once the monitor has received the poll sequence, it returns the following message:
<Ack Flag> <Address> <Stauts> <Stop>
<Ack Flag> = <Esc> <%>, i.e. ASCII characters [1Bh] and [25h].
<Address> = 3 ASCII characters each of which ranging from [30h] to [39h], which are
used as monitor address.
<Status> = 2 ASCII characters (ranging from [30h] to [39h], i.e. digits <0> to <9>,
and from [41h] to [46h]), i.e. letters <A> to <F>), representing the most
significant nibble (bit 7 to bit 4) and the least significant nibble (bit 3 to
bit 0) of the Status byte, respectively.
The meaning of the bits in the status byte is as follows:
Bit [7]: set to 0 (not used, reserved)
Bit [6]: set to 0 (not used, reserved)
Bit [5]: set to 0 (not used, reserved)
Bit [4]: set to 0 (not used, reserved)
Bit [3]: set to 0 (not used, reserved)
Bit [2]: Overheated 0 = Normal 1 = Overheated
Bit [1]: Standby 0 = Normal 1 = Standby
Bit [0]: Ready 0 = Not Ready 1 = Ready
<Stop> = <;>, i.e. the ASCII character [3Bh].
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