Audio options
Pressrepeatedly to cycle through the following options.
Repeat the current track.
Repeat all the tracks on the disc or folder. Play audio tracks in a random loop.
Turn off a repeat mode.
DivX videos
You can play DivX videos from a disc, a USB storage device, or an online video store (see "Rent online videos).
VOD code for DivX
Before you purchase DivX videos and play them on this player, register this player on www.divx.com using the DivX VOD code.
Display the DivX VOD code: press , and select [Setup] > [Advanced] > [DivX® VOD Code].
DivX subtitles
Press SUBTITLE to select a language. If the subtitle is not displayed correctly,
change the character set that supports the DivX subtitle. Select a character set: press
, and select [Character set].
Character Languages set
[Standard] English, Albanian, Danish,
Dutch, Finnish, French, Gaelic,
German, Italian, Kurdish (Latin),
Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish,
Swedish, and Turkish
[Central Albanian, Croat, Czech, Dutch,
Europe] English, German, Hungarian, Irish,
Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Slovene,
and Serbian
[Cyrillic] Bulgarian, Belorussian, English,
Macedonian, Moldavian, Russian,
Serbian, and Ukrainian
[Greek] Greek
[Baltic] Northern Europe
7RSOD\'LY;'50SURWHFWHGÀOHVIURPD86%VWRUDJH device, or an online video store, connect this player to a TV through HDMI.
7KLVSOD\HUFDQSOD\VXEWLWOHÀOHVLQWKHIROORZLQJ formats: .srt, .sub, .txt, .ssa, and .smi.
Play a musical slideshow
Play music and pictures simultaneously to create a musical slideshow.
1 From a disc or connected USB storage GHYLFHSOD\DPXVLFÀOH
2 Press , and go to the picture folder.
3 Select a picture from the same disc or USB, and press OK to start slideshow.
4 Press to stop slideshow.
5 Press again to stop music play.
BonusView on Blu-ray
View special content (such as commentaries) in a small screen window.
This feature is only applicable to
1 During play, press .
»The options menu is displayed.
2 Select [PIP selection] > [PIP], and press OK.