To play a DVD disc that has a rating lev el higher than your set ting, enter the p assword first . (Refer to •
“Setup” > “General setup” > “Play a locked disc” for det ails)
The rating levels are co untry-depe ndent. To allow all discs to b e played, select
• [8 Adult].
Some discs have rating s printed on but are n ot recorded with r atings. This fun ction has no effec t on such
[PBC] - Enable or disable the PBC ( playback control) featur e.
[Password] - Change the password for playing d iscs that are locked or res tricted with rat ing levels.
If you forget the passwo rd, enter “136900” be fore you set a new passwo rd. •
Change the password
1 Select [Preference] > [Password] > [Change], and then press OK.
The interface for changing password is displayed. »
2 Press OK again.
“0” is displayed behind »[Old Password] as the first digit of old password.
3 Press / to s et a value (0-9) to the first d igit.
4 Press .
5 R epeat steps 3 and 4 to enter t he 6-digit old pass word.
6 R epeat steps 3 and 4 to enter t he new password behind [New Password].
7 R epeat steps 3 and 4 to enter t he new password behind [Confirm PWD].
[DivX Subtitle] - Select a character set that su pports the subti tle of your DivX video.
[Version Info] - Display the information about software ve rsion of this player.
[Default] - Reset all settings to facto ry default, except for t he settings for [Disc Lock], [Parental
Control], and [Password].