This item incorporates copy protection technology that is protected
by U.S. patents and oth er intellectual property rights of Rovi
Corporation. Rever se engineering and d isassembly are pro hibited.
2011 © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V or their respective owners. Philips reserves the right to change products at any time
without being obliged to adjust earlier supplies accordingly.
WarrantyRisk of injury, damage to the pl ayer or void of warranty ! Never attempt to rep air the player yourself.•
Use the player and accessorie s only as intended by the man ufacturer. The cautio n sign printed •
on the back of the player indicate s risk of electric sh ock.
Never remove the player cover. Always cont act Philips Custome r Support for serv ice or repairs.•
Any operation expre ssly prohibited in this m anual, or any adjustme nts and assembly proce dures •
not recommended or auth orized in this manual sha ll void the warranty.
ABOUT DIVX VIDEO: DivX® is a digital video format created by D ivX, Inc. This is an
official DivX Certifi ed device that plays DivX video . Visit www.divx .com for more
information and soft ware tools to convert you r files into DivX video.
ABOUT DIVX VIDEO-ON-DEMAND: This DivX Certified® device must be register ed in order
to play DivX Video-on-D emand (VOD) content. To gener ate the registrat ion code, locate the
DivX VOD section in the device se tup menu. Go to vod.div x.com with this code to com plete the
registration pr ocess and learn more abou t DivX VOD.
DivX®, DivX Certified® and associated logos are regis tered trademark s of DivX, Inc. and are use d
under license.
Manufactured unde r license from Dolby Labo ratories. Dolby and t he double-D
symbol are tradema rks of Dolby Labor atories.
‘DVD Video’ is a trademar k of DVD Format/Logo Li censing Corporatio n.