Photo and music slideshow
1 Press / to se lect , and then press OK.
All supported folders and files are listed. »
2 Press / to se lect a music file, and th en press OK to start p laying.
If the music file is saved in a folder o r sub-folder, access its direc tory first.
3 Press / to se lect a picture file , and then press OK to star t the slideshow.
If the picture file is saved in a fo lder or sub-folder, access its d irectory firs t.
To stop the slideshow, press .
To stop the music, press again.
Music and picture fil es must be stored o n the same disc .
If a large number of files ar e complied onto one dis c, it requires lon ger time to read and dis play the content.
This player can only disp lay digital camer a pictures wit h JPEG-EXI F format, which is wi dely used in digita l
cameras. It can not display Motion JPE G, nor picture s in formats other th an JPEG. Sound cli ps associated with
pictures cannot be d isplayed either.
If a JPEG picture is not r ecorded as an “exif ” type file, it s thumbnail pictu re is displayed as “bl ue mountain”.