> The following screen, including a progress bar, appears.
>The following screen appears when the installation was successful.
5Click on 'Finish'.
>The will be installed after installation.
>Via VLounge you have access to all
6You can now connect your laptop WebCam.
The SPC610NC laptop WebCam is 'XP Plug & Play'. This means if you are running Windows XP and you have installed Service Pack 2 and the latest Microsoft Windows XP updates you don't need to install the SPC610NC PC Camera Driver. Simply plug in the WebCam and you can start using your SPC610NC laptop WebCam.
Connecting the WebCam to your laptop
1Be sure to run the installation CD first, before connecting the WebCam to the laptop or notebook.
2Be sure your laptop or notebook is activated.
3Connect the USB connector to the USB port of the laptop. > The WebCam will now derive its power from the laptop.