Setting Up Your Favorites, cont.Note: “Triple tap” name entry works in a similar fashion to
text entry on a cell phone. Tap each numeric key to cycle
through ALL caps, numbers, and lower case letters. E.G.,
repeatedly pressing the number 2 key cycles through A, B, C,
2, a, b, c. Pressing the 9 key cycles through W, X, Y, Z, 9, w,
x, y, z. A “space” can be selected with the 0 (zero) key. The
number 1 key selects 1 . @ ? ! - & and : You can backspace
an entry with the key to the left of the 0 (zero) key. Press OK
(or the Enter “E” key) to confirm your new name.
You can continue to add favorites, up to a
total of 10 (you can add more later, see
page 28). At screen (6) you choose if the
favorites you just set up are stored in the
“His” group or the “Hers” group. Later
you can set up favorites in lots of
different Groups, not just His and Hers.
Selecting His takes you to screen (7)
showing that you now have NBC set as
the first favorite in the His Group (at the
location next to Side Key K1), as well as
any other favorites you set up. (Note, you
can reorder, i.e., move the positions of
the logos later).
When you’re finished setting up your
favorites, press the HOME key (located to
the left below the screen) to go back to the
Home screen.
At any time you can press the FAVORITE
key and then select His, or press the His
key at the top left hand side of the remote
to go to screen (7) above. Then pressing
the key next to the NBC logo will (in this
case) change the channel on your Cable
box to NBC (in this case channel 4).