Advanced Settings, cont.
KidSafePress the HOME key, then select Setup,
then select Advanced, then KidSafe.
The first time you access the KidSafe
menu you are asked if you want to set up
a KidSafe Code. If you select Yes, you
see this screen. You enter a 4 digit code
that you will easily remember, but that
your Kid(s) won’t guess.
After you enter a 4 digit code and press
OK you see a screen that lets you pick a
new KidSafe code, i.e., change it. And/or
set the group of favorites that your Kids
have access to (the default group is Kids
but will be grayed out if you haven’t set
that group up yet).
You can press the Side Key next to Pick
Favorites and choose a different
favorites group that you want your Kids
to have access to, e.g., any other
favorites group you’ve set up.
After you’ve done this you now have
the option to Turn KidSafe On. If you
turn KidSafe On everything in the
remote except access to the KidSafe
group (and Volume/Mute keys) is
locked out. No settings can be changed, and Channel Up/
Down, and number keys don’t work.
If you try to access any other favorite group, change a setting,
or access any forbidden menu, you are asked to enter the
KidSafe code. You cannot continue unless you enter the correct
KidSafe code. See the Troubleshooting section if you forget
your KidSafe code - but don’t let your kids read this owner’s