2003 Feb 12 13
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification
70 W high efficiency power amplifier
with diagnostic facility TDA1562Q; TDA1562ST;
VP= 14.4 V; RL=4; Rs=0; f = 1 kHz; Tamb =25°C; measurements in accordance with Fig.9; unless otherwise
1. The low frequency power roll-off is determined by the value of the electrolytic lift capacitors.
2. The low frequency gain roll-off is determined by the value of the input coupling capacitors.
3. Supply voltage ripple rejection is measured across RL; ripple voltage Vripple(max) = 2 V (p-p).
4. Common mode rejection ratio is measured across RL; common mode voltage Vcm(max) = 2 V (p-p).
CMMR (dB) = differential gain (Gv) + common mode attenuation (αcm). Test set-up according to Fig.10; mismatch of
input coupling capacitors excluded.
5. Input signal rejection ratio is measured across RL; input voltage Vi(max) = 2 V (p-p). ISSR (dB) = different gain
(Gv) + mute attenuation (αm).
6. Noise output voltage is measured in a bandwidth of 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
7. Noise output voltage is independent of source impedance Rs.
Pooutput power class-B; THD = 10% 16 19 W
class-H; THD = 10% 60 70 W
class-H; THD = 0.5% 45 55 W
fro(h)(P) high frequency power roll-off Po (1 dB); THD = 0.5%;
note 1 20 kHz
THD total harmonic distortion Po=1W 0.03 %
Po=20W 0.06 %
DDD active 2.1 %
Gvvoltage gain 25 26 27 dB
fro(h)(G) high frequency gain roll-off Gv (1 dB); note 2 20 −−kHz
Zi(dif)differential input impedance 90 150 210 k
SVRR supply voltage ripple
rejection on and mute; note 3 55 63 dB
standby; note 3 90 dB
CMRR common mode rejection
ratio on; note 4 56 80 dB
ISRR input signal rejection ratio mute; note 5 80 100 dB
Vn(o) noise output voltage on; note 6 100 150 µV
mute; notes 6 and 7 60 −µV