April 1991 7
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
IF amplifier/demodulator for FM radio
receivers TDA1596T
f = 10.7 MHz; VP = V1-17 = 8.5 V ; V I = V20 (rms) = 1 mV ; Tamb = 25 °C; measured in the circuit of Fig.3; tuned circuit at pins
10, 11 aligned for symmetrical stop pulses; all voltages are referred to ground (pin 17), unless otherwise specified
VP= V1Supply voltage 7.5 8.5 12.0 V
I1Supply current at I2= I7= 0 mA −20 26 mA
FM demodulator
R10-11 Input impedance 25 40 55 kΩ
C10-11 −6−pF
V4DC output voltage (no-signal condition) at
V10, 11(p-p) ≤100 µV; V20(rms) ≤5µV2.75 3.10 3.45 V
R4-17 Output impedance −400 −Ω
Mute attenuator control voltage
Control voltage (pin 16)
V16 at V20(rms) ≤5µV−2.0 −V
V16 at V20(rms) = 1 mV −3.45 −V
R10-17 Output impedance (pin 16) −−2.0 MΩ
V2Level shift input (pin 2) internal bias voltage at
I2= 0 mA −1.4 −V
R2-17 input impedance 15 −−kΩ
Internal muting (Fig.6)
Internal attenuation of signals
±22.5 kHz ≤detuning ≤ ±80 kHz;
A = 20log[∆V4(FM mute-off)/∆V4(FM)]
A at V16 ≥1 V5−0−dB
A at V16 = 0.77 V51.5 3.0 4.5 dB
A at V16 = 0.55 V5−20 −dB