April 1991 9
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
IF amplifier/demodulator for FM radio

receivers TDA1596T

* Connecting pin 13 to ground is only allowed for measuring the current at pin 16. It is not for use in application.
* Without input voltage.
Tuning-stop detector (Figs 10 and 11)
Stop-0: detuning at V20(rms) = 10 mV
+∆f for V15 3.5 V −−10 kHz
+∆f for V15 0.3 V 18 −−kHz
Stop-1: detuning at V20(rms) = 10 mV
−∆f for V14 3.5 V −−10 kHz
−∆f for V14 0.3 V 18 −−kHz
Dependence of STOP-0, STOP-1 on
input voltage (pin 20)
input voltage (RMS value) for
V20(rms) V14 = V15 3.5 V 250 −−µV
input voltage (RMS value) for
V20(rms) V14 = V15 0.3 V −−50 µV
Output voltage when
V14, 15 I14 = I15 = 1 mA −−0.3 V
Mode switch and pin 3 (Fig.12)

FM-off position

Control voltage for 60 dB
V7muting depth −−1.4 V

FM, mute-on position (pin 3 = output)

Internal bias voltage at
V7R7-17 10 MΩ−2.8 V
|I7| Input current −−2.5 µA
Output voltage with
V3R3-17 = 10 k; C3-17 1 nF* 2V
Output impedance for V20 =5µV;
R3-17 I3= 500µA−−100

FM, mute-off position (pin 3 = input)

V7Control voltage 0.9 V5−−V
7Input current at V7= V5−−15 µA
R3-17 Input resistance 1 −−M
Reference voltage source
V5Output voltage at I5=1 mA 3.3 3.7 4.1 V
V5/I5Output impedance at I5=1 mA 40 80
TC Temperature coefficient 3.3 mV/K