TDA8566_6 © NXP B.V. 2007. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet Rev. 06 — 15 October 2007 10 of 21
NXP Semiconductors TDA8566
2×40 W/2 Ω stereo BTL car radio power amplifier
11. Dynamic characteristicsTable 8. Dynamic characteristics
= 14.4V; T
C; R
; f
= 1kHz; measured in test circuit of Figure 9; unless
otherwise specified.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Pooutput power THD =0.5 % 25 30 - W
THD =10 % 33 40 - W
THD =30 % 45 55 - W
VP=13.5 V; THD = 0.5 % - 25 - W
VP=13.5 V; THD = 10 % - 35 - W
THD =0.5 %; RL=4Ω16 19 - W
THD =10 %; RL=4Ω21 25 - W
THD =30 %; RL=4Ω28 35 - W
VP=13.5 V;
THD =0.5 %; RL=4Ω-14-W
VP=13.5 V; THD = 10 %;
THD total harmonic
distortion Po= 1 W - 0.1 - %
VCLIP =0.6 V [1] -8-%
Po=1 W; RL=4Ω- 0.05 - %
B power bandwidth THD = 0.5%; Po=−1dB
with respect to 25 W -20to
20000 -Hz
fro(l) low frequency roll
off −1dB [2] -25-Hz
fro(h) high frequency roll
off −1dB 20 - - kHz
Gvclosedloop voltage
gain 25 26 27 dB
SVRR supply voltage
ripple rejection operating [3] 50 60 - dB
mute [3] 50--dB
standby [3] 80--dB
Ziinput impedance differential 100 120 150 kΩ
single-ended 50 60 75 kΩ
|∆Zi|input impedance
mismatch -2-%
Vn(o) noise output
voltage operating; Rs=0Ω[4] - 85 120 µV
operating; Rs=10kΩ[4] - 100 - µV
mute; independent ofRs[4] -60-µV
αcs channel separation Po=25 W; Rs=10kΩ45 50 - dB
|∆Gv|channel unbalance - - 1 dB