Philips Semiconductors TDA8944J
2 x 7 W stereo BTL audio amplifier
Product specification Rev. 02 — 14 February 2000 18 of 21
9397 750 06861 © Philips Electronics N.V. 2000. All rights reserved.
18. Revision history
Table 11: Revision history
Rev Date CPCN Description
02 000214 - Product specification; second version; supersedes initial version TDA8944J-01 of
14 April 1999 (9397 750 04881). Modifications:
•Table 1 on page 1: SVRR; Typ value 65 dB → added
•Figure 1 on page 2: Block diagram; pin numbers changed OUT2−→ 14 and OUT2+ → 17
•Figure 2 on page 3: Pin configuration; pin numbers changed OUT2−→14 and OUT2+ →17
•Section 8 “Functional description”:
–Section 8.1 “Input configuration” on page 4 → added.
–Section 8.2 “Power amplifier” on page 5: ........, capable of delivering a peak output
current of 1.5 A → changed to 2 A.
–Section 8.2.1 “Output power measurement” on page 5 → added
–Section 8.2.2 “Headroom” on page 5 → added
•Section 8.3 “Mode selection”:
–Standby mode: VMODE >(V
CC −0.5 V) →changed to (VCC −0.5 V) < VMODE <V
CC; The
power consumption of the TDA8944J will be reduced to <0.18 mW → added.
–Mute mode: the DC level of the input and output pins remain on half the supply
voltage →added;
–2.5 V < VMODE <(V
CC −1.5 V) → changed to 3 V < VMODE <(V
CC −1.5 V)
–Section 8.3.1 “Switch-on and switch-off” on page 6
•Section 8.4 “Supply Voltage Ripple Rejection (SVRR)” on page 6 → added
•Section 8.5 “Built-in protection circuits” on page 6 → added
•Table 5 on page 7:
–Ptot value added 18 V
–VCC(sc) value added 15 V
•Table 6 on page 7:
–Rth(j-a) value added 40 K/W
–Rth(j-c) value 10 →changed to 6.9 K/W; condition ‘in free air’ →changed to ‘both channels
•Table 7 on page 7: VMODE - mute mode - value Min 2.5 → changed to 3 V
•Table 8 on page 8:
–SVRR; Typ values 65 and 60 dB → added
–αcs; Typ value 75 dB → added
•Figure 3 to 13: figures added
•Section 13 “Internal circuitry” on page 12:→ added
•Figure 14: figure adjusted
•Section 14.1 “Printed-circuit board (PCB)” on page 13:→ added
•Figure 15: figure added
•Section 14.2 “Thermal behaviour and heatsink calculation” on page 15:→ added
•Section 15.2 “Test conditions” on page 15:→ added
01 990414 - Preliminary specification; initial version.