1999 Apr 14 34
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Audio processor with head amplifier for VHS hi-fi TDA9605H
1. THD = 1%, output load with RL=5 kΩ and CL= 2.2 nF, volume = 3 dB for VCC = 12 V and tuner input level varied.
2. B = 20 Hz to 20 kHz, unweighted.
3. Crosstalk of any line input pair (tuner, CINCH, ext1, ext2, aux and SAP) to any other line input.
αcb channel balance −1 0 +1 dB
Vnnoise level tuner input signal at zero level
−∞ dBV; note2
−−94 −90 dBV
αmute(v) mute volume volume bytes left and right set
to mute mode
−−96 −70 dB
αmute(o) mute output output select bits set to mute
−−86 −70 dB
αct(ch) crosstalk between channels one of tuner input signals at
zero level −∞ dBV
−−90 −70 dB
αct(ch)(i) crosstalk between input
channels note 3 −<−93 −dB
RF converter output: pin RFCOUT
Vooutput voltage tuner input signal at
normal level -8 dB −9−8−7 dBV
high level 8 dBV −4.5 −3−1.5 dBV
THD total harmonic distortion tuner input signal at
normal level −8 dBV −0.03 −%
levels from −8to+8dBV −<0.2 −%
Vnnoise level tuner input signal on zero level
−∞ dBV; note2
−−80 −dBV
Rooutput impedance −200 300 Ω
Io(max) output current limiting power mute (MUTE = 1) −−1−mA
Iodischarge output current passive standby (STBP= 1) −1−mA
Power mute outputs: pins MUTEC, MUTEL and MUTER
Rooutput impedance no mute (MUTE = 0) 50 100 −kΩ
muting (MUTE = 1);
DC load from −1to+1mA
−15 −Ω
Audio peak envelope output: pin ENVOUT
Vooutput voltage tuner input signal at
normal level −8 dBV 1.65 1.8 1.96 V
at high level +8 dBV 4.0 4.5 5.0 V
at zero level −∞ dBV −−0.3 V
at zero level −∞ dBV and
maximum volume +15 dB
−−0.35 V
αcb channel balance −0.11 0 +0.11 V
Rooutput impedance −1 1.5 kΩ