Playing a cassette
aPuta cassette into the cassette slot. ’v’will appear on
bPressthe PLAYGbutton.
cTostop, press the STOPhbutton.
dToeject the cassette, press the STOP/EJECT ?button
onthe video recorder. To eject a cassette, you can also
usethe EJECTJbutton on the remote control
DSomehired cassettes may have a poor picture or
poorsound quality. This is not a fault in your
machine.Please read ’Eliminating picture
DSomefunctions switch off automatically after a
while(for example, pause, still picture, picture
search).This helps to protect the cassette and
avoidswasting power.
Playing NTSC cassettes
Withthis set you can playback cassettes that have been
recordedon another video recorder in the NTSC standard (for
example,American cassettes). But this onlyworks for
PAL-televisionsets which are suitable for a picture frequency
of60 Hz.
DSomespecial features (for example, still picture) are
notpossible while you are playing an NTSC
Tape position indication
Whenplaying a tape, by pressing the OK button,you can
showthe present tape position on the TV screen.
Youhave a choise of selecting ’LINEAR COUNTER’or
’TIME LEFT’.The LINEAR COUNTER shows the tape position
inhours, minutes and seconds. This LINEAR COUNTER is reset
to0:00:00 everytime a cassette is inserted even if the tape is
notat the beginning. You can also reset to 0:00:00 by pushing
the CLEAR(CL), ybutton. ’TIME LEFT’ shows the actual
amountof playing/recording time left on the cassette in hours
DWhenyou play an NTSC cassette, the video
recorderwill only show ’LINEAR COUNTER’.
aSwitchon the TV set. If required, select the programme
numberfor the video recorder.
bPressthe MENUbutton on the remote control. The main
menuwill appear.
cSelectthe line ’COUNTER’ with the Pqor Prbutton
andconfirm with the OK button.
dSelectthe type of counter with the Pqbuttonand
confirmwith the OK button.
DToreset the tape position ’LINEAR COUNTER’to
’0:00:00’,press the CLEAR(CL), ybutton.
eToend, press the TV/STANDBYmbutton.
DThisvideo recorder will automatically recognise the
lengthof the tape.
DWhenyou put a cassette in the video recorder and
youwant to see ’TIME LEFT’, the video recorder
mustfirst calculate the time played. Therefore, ’-:--’
appearsfirst and only after the tape has been
runningfor a few seconds the playing time will be
DIfthe video recorder does not find a recording at a
certaintape position with ’LINEAR COUNTER’
switchedon, the counter will stop.
Searching for tape position with the picture
(picture search)
aWhilea cassette is playing, press the [(reverse)or
I(forward)button once or several times.
bTostop a certain place on the tape, press the PLAYG
DDuringpicture search, the picture quality may not be
sogood and there will be no sound.
Still picture
aPressthe STILLRbutton. A still picture will appear on
Interferencestripes will appear on the screen.
bEachtime you press STILLRagain, the picture will
moveon one step.