Pioneer XDV-P9 owner manual Disc Fast Forward/Reverse, Fast Reverse

Models: XDV-P9

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Disc Fast Forward/Reverse

Fast Forward


During play, continue pressing the FOR-

WARD (¡) button.


The fast forward mark (

) is displayed while pressing


the button and disc fast forward is performed.


Release the FORWARD (¡) button at the point you want


to watch/listen.


Playback resumes from that point.


If you continue pressing the FORWARD (¡) button for 5 seconds, the color of the fast for-

ward mark () changes from blue to yellow. When this happens, fast forward continues even if you release the FORWARD (¡) button. To resume playback at a desired point, press the PLAY/PAUSE (6) button.

If you fast forward to the end of a CD, fast forward continues from the beginning of the disc.

Fast forward may not be possible at certain locations on some discs. If this happens, normal playback automatically resumes.

Fast Reverse


During play, continue pressing the

REVERSE (1) button.


The fast reverse mark (

) is displayed while pressing


the button and disc fast reverse is performed.


Release the REVERSE (1) button at the point you want to


Playback resumes from that point.


If you continue pressing the REVERSE (1) button for 5 seconds, the color of the fast

reverse mark ( ) changes from blue to yellow. When this happens, fast reverse continues even if you release the REVERSE (1) button. To resume playback at a desired point, press the PLAY/PAUSE (6) button.

If you fast reverse to the beginning of a CD, normal playback resumes.

Fast reverse may not be possible at certain locations on some discs. If this happens, normal playback automatically resumes.




Basic Operations

Continued overleaf


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Pioneer XDV-P9 owner manual Disc Fast Forward/Reverse, Fast Reverse