PLANET ADSL VPN / Firewall Router example of configuring the Web Server & the Router to be accessible remotely

Background of the Example

Setup the Web server in the office that can be visible to the outside network. In the meantime, set the router to be accessible remotely through HTTP. Since they use the same protocol (TCP), we have to change the port number of either application to make these two services available. Please note the access method to the Web server and router is different in case 1 & 2, this is particularly related to port number setting, refer below for details.

Example 1: Configuring a Virtual Server

1.Set Web server IP address to a fixed IP (this is the IP of the PC running your web server software, e.g.

2.Change the embedded web server’s HTTP port to 8080 by select Configuration -> Advanced -> Device Management.

3.Configure the Virtual Server as the following.