Step5. Choose the “Print Server’s Network Port” which was created by the administrator installation process and click “Next”.

Step6. Complete the rest of the questions to finish the network printer setup.

3.3Administrator Utilities

After Administrator Installation is completed, there will be four utilities in print server’s Program folder.

1. Network Ports Quick Setup

Network Ports Quick Setup Utility offers a very simple method to add or remove print server FPS-1010G’s printer port from the client’s computer.

If you have just installed another new FPS-1010G on the network, you must run this program first. This program will search for new FPS-1010G and allow you to add the new network printer port into client’s computer conveniently. Perform the standard Add Printer procedure, and you can print directly to the printer through the newly installed print server.

Please be aware that Network Ports Quick Setup Utility can only detect and configure all FPS-1010G on the same network, it cannot search and configure print servers on other subnets across network segments. You must use Remote Ports Utility described in the next section to manage remote (across network segments) FPS-1010G.