Thisproduct emits radio frequency energy, but the
radiatedoutput power of this device is far below the
FCCradio frequency exposure limits. This equipment
complieswith FCC RF radiation exposure limits forth
foran uncontrolled environment. Nevertheless, the
deviceshould be used in such a manner that the
potentialfor human contact with the antenna during
normaloperation is minimized.
Thiscrossed out wheeled bin marking shows that Polar
productsare electronic devices and are in the scope of
Directive2002/96/EC of the European Parliament and
ofthe Council on waste electrical and electronic
equipment(WEEE) and batteries and accumulators
usedin products are in the scope of Directive
2006/66/ECof the European Parliament and of the
Councilof 6 September 2006 on batteries and
accumulatorsand waste batteries and accumulators.
Theseproducts and batteries/accumulators inside Polar
productsshould thus be disposed of separately in EU
Thismarking shows that the product is protected
againstelectric shocks.

BluetoothQD ID: B018857

Copyright2013 Polar Electro Oy, FI-90440 KEMPELE,
Finland.Polar Electro Oy is a ISO 9001:2008 certified