Polaroid Offices and Service Centers 47
Polaroid Offices and Service Centers
For information about technical support or service, contact
the Polaroid Office or Service Center nearest you:
Location Telephone
Australia................1800 066 021
België.....................02 714 31 02
Belgique.................02 714 31 06
Brasil..................... 0800 11 2177
Danmark............... 80 01 59 56
Deutschland ..........069 9509 6056
España...................01 377 81 03
France....................01 41 91 38 10
Ireland...................01 402 6897
Italia......................02696 33253
Japan.....................(81-3) 3438 8811
Latin America........(305) 592 4212 (Miami, FL, U.S.A.)
Luxembourg..........08 00 25 42
México.................. 01 800 70 72777
Nederland..............020 487 45 34
New Zealand.........09 377 3773
Norge.................... 80 01 18 87
Österreich..............06 60 74 33
Portugal.................05 0544 6017
Puerto Rico............(787) 725 6240
Schweiz..................01 838 53 29
Suisse.....................01 838 53 48
Suomi.................... 080 011 7008
Sverige...................08 445 12 31
Svizzera................. 01 838 53 49
United Kingdom....(01) 8130 86508