A Note Regarding Wireless Performance:
Like all wireless devices, your SurroundBar 6000 IHT may be susceptible | your SurroundBar 6000 IHT System. Maintaining a distance of several feet |
to RF interference from such sources as microwave ovens, WiFi computer | or more between your SurroundBar 6000 IHT speaker and any wireless device |
systems, video game systems, cordless telephones, blue tooth systems, baby | should prevent any mutual interference effects. If you do notice any subwoofer |
monitors and other devices. In particular, any devices operating in the 2.4GHz | signal dropouts take care to identify the root cause (most commonly having |
band may cause intermittent wireless connections between the SurroundBar | other wireless devices too close) and resolve accordingly. Any interference |
6000 speaker and the subwoofer. It is also possible that your SurroundBar 6000 | effects from a microwave oven will cease once the oven stops operating |
IHT System may affect other wireless systems. For the most part, you can avoid | and may be resolved on a |
wireless performance problems by physically separating these devices from | between your SurroundBar 6000 IHT System and the microwave oven. |
Polk Audio loudspeakers and subwoofers are capable of playing at extremely high volume levels, which could cause serious or permanent hearing damage. Polk Audio, Inc. accepts no liability for hearing loss, bodily injury or property damage resulting from the misuse of its products.
Keep these guidelines in mind and always use your own good judgment when controlling volume:
•You should limit prolonged exposure to volumes that exceed 85 decibels(dB). Refer to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) guidelines at: www.osha.gov/dts/osta/otm/noise/standards_more.html.
Polk Audio is a DEI Holdings, Inc. Company. Polk Audio, Polk, The Speaker Speicalists, SDA and SurroundBar are registered trademarks of Polk Audio, Inc.
Instant Home Theater and Polk Digital Logic are trademarks of Polk Audio, Inc.
Products that have earned the Energy Star® are designed to protect the environment through superior energy efficiency.
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the
Customer Service Hours of Operation: | polkcs@polkaudio.com | 11 |