The Bass Master Commands You!
Please inspect each loudspeaker carefully. Notify your Polk Audio dealer if you notice any damage or missing items. Keep the carton and packing material. They will do the best job
Wiring Diagrams For Polk/MOMO Subwoofers
Please make certain that your amplifier is rated to carry the specified load.
of protecting your speakers if they need to be transported.
Important Information About Warranty & Installation
Subwoofers work best when installed in an enclosure of the proper size. Recommended subwoofer enclosure sizes are provided in the table below. For custom subwoofer enclosures visit http://www.polkaudio.com/car/toolbox/subboxplans.
Recommended Enclosure Sizes:
10" Subwoofer — 0.66 ft3 sealed
+ +
- -
Single 4Ω Wiring
+ -
Parallel 2Ω Wiring
Two 4Ω speakers will present a 2Ω load. Make sure that your amplifier is 2Ω stable when configured in the bridge mode. Consult your amplifier’s owner’s manual before wiring in this configuration.
12" Subwoofer — 0.88 ft3 sealed
Be careful. Subwoofer enclosures need to be installed in places where they can operate safe- ly and not endanger the occupants of the automobile. Do not install your subwoofer enclo- sure on your car’s rear deck. Do not install your subwoofer enclosure on your front dash- board or in your passenger seat. To get the safest, best performance from your Polk/MOMO Subwoofer, we recommend that you put its enclosure in your trunk. If you have any ques- tions about these issues, please call Polk Audio’s friendly Customer Service Department. Polk Audio Customer Service is available from
Connecting Your Polk/MOMO Subwoofers
Break It In
Your Polk/MOMO Subwoofer will achieve even greater performance once it is thoroughly
Amplifier Power Requirements For Polk/MOMO Subwoofers
With one subwoofer we recommend an amplifier with a power rating of at least 200- Watts (x 1 in bridged mode) to sufficiently drive this woofer. If you have a noisy car or intend to play your system at loud listening levels, more power is necessary to achieve the best performance. More power is always better. Consult your Polk Audio dealer for specific recommendations.
Optimal Crossover Setting
We recommend using an active crossover with a 12 to 18dB per octave low pass filter slope, and setting it to an initial setting of 80 to 90 Hz as a good starting point. This is an optimal crossover setting on most vehicles.
Inverting Phase
Depending on the placement of your subwoofer enclosure and associated components, it may be necessary to invert the phase of one or another of your system’s connections in order to gain better
2 P O L K / M O M O : C H A M P I O N S H I P P E R F O R M A N C E |
| P O L K A U D I O / M O M O D E S I G N 3 |