Polycom RMX 1500/2000/4000 Getting Started Guide
2-39The System Flags dialog box is displayed.32 Enter the required System Flags information in the dialog box.
Table 2-13 Fast Configuration Wizard – System Flags
Field Description / Default
ID Length
The number of digits of the
Conference ID to be assigned
by the MCU.
Range: 2-16 (Default: 5)
Note: Selecting 2
digits limits the
number of
simultaneous ongoing
conferences to 99.
ID Length
The minimum number of digits
that the user must enter when
manually assigning a numeric
ID to a conference.
Range: 2-16 (Default: 4)
ID Length
The maximum number of digits
that the user can enter when
manually assigning a Numeric
ID to a conference.
Range: 2-16 (Default: 8)
MCU Display
The MCU name is displayed on the endpoint’s screen.
Default name: Polycom RMX 1500/2000/4000