4 - ENGA15414
What can happen How to prevent it
• The compressed air directly from
your compressor is not safe for
breathing. The air stream may con-
tain carbon monoxide, toxic vapors,
or solid particles from the air tank.
Breathing these contaminant's can
cause serious injury or death.
• Air obtained directly from the com-
pressor should never be used to
supply air for human consumption.
In order to use air produced by this
compressor for breathing, suitable
filters and in-line safety equipment
must be properly installed. In-line
filters and safety equipment used
in conjunction with the compressor
must be capable of treating air to all
applicable local and federal codes
prior to human consumption.
• Sprayed materials such as paint,
paint solvents, paint remover, insec-
ticides, weed killers, may contain
harmful vapors and poisons.
• Work in an area with good cross
ventilation. Read and follow the
safety instructions provided on the
label or safety data sheets for the
materials you are spraying. Always
use certified safety equipment:
OSHA/MSHA/NIOSH respiratory
protection designed for use with
your specific application.
Air Tank: The air tank on your Air Compressor is designed and may be UM coded
(for units with air tanks greater than 6 inch diameter) according to ASME Section VIII,
Div. 1 rules. All pressure vessels should be inspected once every two years. To find
your state pressure vessels inspector, look under the Division of Labor and Industries
in the government section of a phone book .
The following conditions could lead to a weakening of the air tank, and result in a
violent air tank explosion:
What can happen How to prevent it
• Failure to properly drain condensed
water from air tank, causing rust
and thinning of the steel air tank.
• Drain air tank daily or after each
use. If air tank develops a leak,
replace it immediately with a new air
tank or replace the entire compres-
• Modifications or attempted repairs
to the air tank. • Never drill into, weld, or make any
modifications to the air tank or its
attachments. Never attempt to
repair a damaged or leaking air
tank. Replace with a new air tank.