SPosition your left hand on the front han-
dlebar so it is in a straight line with your
right hand on the rear handle when mak-
ingbucking cuts. Neve r reverse right and
left hand positions for any type of cutting.
Never reverse
hand positions
Stand to the left of
the saw
SStand with your weight evenly balanced
on both feet.
SStand slightly to the leftside ofthe saw to
keep your body from being in a direct line
with the cutting chain.
SDo not overreach. You could be drawn or
thrownoff balance and lose control of saw.
SDonot cut above shoulder height.It is dif-
ficult to maintain control of saw above
shoulder height.
WARNING: The following features are
included on your saw to help reduce the
hazardof kickback; however, such features
willnot totally eliminate t his dangerous reac-
tion.As a chain saw user, do not rely only on
safety devices. You must follow all safety
precautions, instructions, and maintenance
in this manual to help avoid kickback and
other forces which can result in serious
SReduced-Kickback Guide Bar, designed
with a small radius tip which reduces the
size of the kickback danger zone on bar
tip. A Reduced-Kickback Guide Bar has
been demonstrated to significantly re-
ducethe number and seriousness of kick-
backs when tested in accordance with
safetyrequirements for gasoline powered
chain saws as set by ANSI B175.1.
Small Radius Tip
Symmetrical Guide Bar
Reduced Kickback Symmetrical Guide Bar
Large Radius Tip
SLow-Kickback Chain, designed with a
contoured depth gauge and guard link
which deflect kickback force and allow
wood to gradually ride into the cutter.
Low-Kickback Chain has met ki ckback
performance requirements when tested
ona repre sentative sample o f chain saws
below 3.8 cubic inch displacement speci-
fied in ANSI B175.1.
Chain With High Kickback Potential
Can Obstruct
Contoured Depth Gauge
Elongated Guard Link
Deflects Kickback
Force And Allows
Wood ToGradually
Ride Into Cutter
SHandguard, designed to reduce the
chance of your left hand contacting chain
if your hand slips off the front handlebar.
SPosition of front and rear handlebars, de -
signed with distance between handles
and “in-line” with each other. The spread
and “in-line” position of the hands pro-
videdby this design work together to give
balance and resistance in controlling the
pivot of thesaw back toward t heoperator
if kickback occurs.
ANSI B175.1-1991 “Ame r i c a n Na t i o n a l
Standard for Powered Tools ---Gasoline
Powered Chain Saw --- Safety Require-
NOTE:If this saw is to be used for com-
mercial logging, you must order and
install a chain brake to comply with Feder-
al OSHA Regulations for Commercial Log-
ging. Contact your Authorized Service
Dealer or call 1-800-554-6723.
SAFETY NOTICE: Exposure to
vibrations through prolonged use of
gasoline powered hand tools could cause
blood vessel or nerve damage in the
fingers, hands, and joints of people prone
to circulation disorders or abnormal
swellings. Prolonged use in cold weather
hasbeen linked to blood vessel damage in
otherwise healthy people. If symptoms
occur such as numbness, pain, loss of
strength, change inskin color or texture, or
lossof feeling in the fingers, hands, or joints,
discontinue the use of this tool and seek
medical attention. An anti-vibration system
does not guarantee the avoidance of these
problems. Users who operate power tools
on a continual and regular basis must
monitor closely their physical condition and
the condition of this tool.
SPECIAL NOTICE: Your sa w is
equipped with a temperature limiting
muffler and spark arresting screen which
meetsthe requirements of California Codes
4442 and 4443. All U.S. forest land andthe
states of California, Idaho, Maine,
Minnesota, New Jersey, Oregon, and
Washington require many internal
combustion engines to be equipped with a
spark arrestor screen by law. If you operate
a chain saw in a state or locale where such