SAFETY NOTICE: Exposure to vibrations
through prolonged use of gasoline powered
hand tools could cause blood vessel or nerve
damage in the fingers, hands, and joints of
people prone to circulation disorders or abnor-
mal swellings. Prolonged use in cold weather
has been linked to blood vessel damage in
otherwise healthy people. If symptoms oc cur
such as numbness, pain, los s of strength,
change in skin color or texture, or loss of feeling
in the fingers, hands, or joints, discontinue the
use of this tool and seek medical att ention. An
anti--vibration system does not guarantee the
avoidance of these problems. Users who oper-
atepower tools on a c ontinual and regular basis
must monitor closely their physical condit ion
and the condition of this tool.
SPECIAL NOTICE: T his unit is equipped
witha temperature limiting muffler and spark ar-
resting screen which meets the requirements of
CaliforniaC odes 4442 and 4443. All U.S. f orest
land and the states of California, Idaho, Maine,
Minnesota,N ew Jersey, Oregon, and Washing-
ton require by law that many internal combus-
tionengines be equippe d with a spark arresting
screen. If you operate in a locale where such
regulations exist, you are legally respons ible for
maintaining the operating condition of these
parts. Failureto do s o is a violation of the law.
For normal homeowner use, the muffler and
spark arresting screen will not require any s er-
vice. Af ter 50 hours of use, we rec ommend that
yourmuffler be s erviced or replaced by your au-
thorized service dealer.


Check carton contents against thefollowing
SLower attachment (with trimmer head
SCupped washer
SLarge nut for installing blades
SHex wrench
SBracket cover
SBracket cover screws (2)
SMetalblade s hield
SBlade shield screws (4)
S4--pointweed blade
SPlastic shield
SWingnut ( screwed onto plastic shield)
SShoulder strap with warning
SContainer of oil
WARNING: Alway s stop unit and dis-
connectspark plug before performing any as-
sembly procedures.
WARNING: If rec eived assembled,
repeatall steps to ensure your unit is pr operly
assembled and all fasteners are secure.
Examine parts for damage. Do not use dam-
agedpar ts.
NOTE: If you need assistance or find parts
missing or damaged, call 1-800-554-6723.
It is normal for the fuel filter to rattle in the
empty fuel tank.
Findingfuel or oil residue on muffler is normal
due to carburetor adjustments and testing
doneby themanufacturer.


SHex wrench (provided)
SAdjustable wrench
SPhillips screwdriver



CAUTION: Whenins talling brushcutter at-
tachment, place the unit on a flat surface for
1. Loosen the coupler by turning the knob
2. Removes hipping protector from coupler.
3. Remove thes haft cap from thebrushcutter
attachment(if present).
4. Positionlock ing/release button of attach-
mentinto guide rec ess of coupler.
5. Pushthe attachment into the coupler until
thelock ing/release button snaps into the
primary hole.
6. Before using the unit, tighten the k nob se-
curely by turning clockwise.
Coupler Primary Hole
Guide Recess
WARNING : Make sure the locking/
release button is locked in the primary hole
andthe knob is s ecurely tightened before op-
eratingthe unit. All attachments are designed
to be used in the primary hole unless other-
wise stated in the applicable attachment in-
struction manual. Using the wrong hole could
lead to serious injury or damage to the unit.