WARNING: When using gardening
appliances, basic safety precautions must al-
ways be followed to reduce the risk of fire and
seriousinjury. Read and follow all instructions.
This power unit can be dangerous! Operator
is responsible for following instructions and
warnings on unit and in manual. Read entire
instruction manual before usi ng unit! Bethor-
oughly familiar with the controls and the prop-
er use ofthe unit . Rest rict the use of this unit
to persons who have read, understand and
will follow the instructions and warnings on
the unit and in the manual. Never allow chil-
dren to operate this unit.


AND CUTTING AREA. Do not attempt to
clear awayc utmaterial or hold material to be
cut when the blade is in motion. Make sure
powerhead is stopped and sparkplug wire is
disconnected (or powerhead isdisconnected
from power source) when removing jammed
material from the cutting blade. Donot grab or
hold attachment by the cutting blade.
SDress properly. Always wear safety glasses
or similar eye protection when operating, or
performing maintenance on your unit (safety
glassesare available). Eyeprotection should
be marked Z87.
SAlwayswear face or dust mask if operation is
SAlwayswear heavy, long pants, long sleeves,
boots, and gloves.
SAlwayswear foot protection. Donot go bare-
foot or wear sandals.
SSecure hair above shoulder length. Secure
or remove loose clothing or clothing with
loosely hanging ties, straps, tassels, etc.
They can be caught in moving parts.
SBeing fully covered also helps protect you
from debrisand piecesof toxic plants thrown
by spinning blade.
SStayalert. Donot operate when you aret ired,
ill, upset, or under the influence of alcohol,
drugs,or medication. Watch what you are do-
ing; use common sense.
SWear hearing protection.
SNever start or run inside a closed room or
building. Breathing exhaust fumes can kill.
SKeep handles free of oil and fuel.
SOnly operate unit with handlebar installed.
SKeephands and f eet away from cutting area.
SNeverdirect discharge of material t owardby -
standers nor allow anyone near the area of
operation. Usecare in directing discharge to
avoidgl ass enclosures, automobiles, and the

FUEL SAFETY (for gas powerheads)

SMix and pour fuel outdoors.
SKeep away from sparks or flames.
SUse a container approved for fuel.
SDo not smoke or allow smoking near fuel or
the powerhead.
SAvoidspilling fuel or oil. Wipeup all fuel spills
before starting the powerhead.
SMove at least 10 feet (3 meters)away from
fuelingsite bef orestarting powerhead engine.
SStop engine and allow to cool before remov-
ing fuel cap.
SRemove fuel cap slowly.



WARNING: Avoida dangerous envi-
ronment. To reduce the risk of electrical
shock, do not use in rain, in damp or wet loca-
tions, or around swimming pools, hot tubs,
etc. Donot expose to snow, rain, or water to
avoid the possibility of electrical shock. Do
nothandle extension cord plug or unit with wet
SUse only a voltage supply as shownon the
nameplate of the unit.
SAvoid dangerous situations. Do not use in
presence of flammable liquids or gases to
avoidcreating a fire or explosion and/or caus-
ing damage to unit.
SAvoid dangerous environments. Do not use
in unventilated areas or wheredust orexplo-
sive vapors can build up.
SToreduce the risk of electrical shock, use ex-
tension cords specifically marked as suitable
foroutdoor appliances. Theelectrical rating of
thecord must not be l esst han the rating of the
unit. The cord must be marked with the suffix
“W-A”(in Canada, “W”). Makesure your ex-
tension cord is in good condition. Inspect ex-
tension cord before use and replace if dam-
aged. An undersized extension cord will
power and overheating. If in doubt, use the
next heavier gauge. The smaller the gauge
number,the heavier the cord.
SDo not use multiple cords.
SThe powerhead may have a polarized plug
(oneblade is wider than the other); if so, it will
requirethe use of a polarized ext ension cord.
The appliance plug will fit into a polarized ex-
tension cord only one way. If t he plug does
notfit f ully into the extension cord, reverse the
plug. Ifthe plug still does not fit, obtai n a cor-
rectpolarized extension cord. Apolarized ex-
tensioncord will require the use of a polarized
wall outlet. Thisplug will fit into t he polarized
wall outlet only one way. If plug does not fit
fully into the wall outlet, reverse the plug. Ifit
still does not fit, contact a qualified electrician
toinstall t he properwall outlet . Do not change
the equipment plug, extension cord recep-
tacle, or extension cord plug in any way.
SDonot attempt to repair unit. Inspectthe insu-
lation and connectors on the powerhead and