metric dimensions with the push of a button. The SET mode is used to program in a dimension and makes “dialing” the DRO in very easy. Plane a board and measure its thickness, preferably using digital calipers. Enter that dimension into the DRO and it is dead on accurate.
The Absolute mode (most commonly used) shows the precise distance from the cutterhead to the table with a resolution of thousandths of an inch! Switch to the Relative mode and the DRO considers the present thickness to be zero and shows precisely how much material a table height change will remove.
The HOLD mode retains the current setting and allows moving the table to clear a damaged or jammed piece of wood. The table can then be returned to that exact dimension to continue planing.
The DRO also has a Tolerance mode that is more specialized and while not often used in woodworking, is fully described in the POWERMATIC 15HH manual.
Bed and Feed Roller Gauge
Our specially designed Bed and Feed
Roller Gauge makes setting and checking these important systems very easy and precise.
The specially designed Bed and Feed Roller Gauge (#2230002) is an ultra precise instrument that makes setting the POWERMATIC 15HH bed and feed rollers exactly with a level of confidence possible only with a dial indicator. When 0.001” either way makes a difference, the Bed and Feed Roller Gauge is the tool you need.
The Bed and Feed Roller Gauge kit includes a specially designed base with four legs arranged to clear the bed rollers while measuring the feed rollers above. The legs also straddle the bed rollers when measuring them.
The quality dial indicator can be aimed downwards, its probe passing through a hole in the base to set up the bed rollers. It can also be aimed upwards on the same mount to set the infeed and outfeed rollers. Because the Bed and Feed Roller Gauge stands on its own, your hands are free to make the adjustments without accidentally influencing the dial indicator.