Automation Control = 69
Automation Control
Image Servers can be controlled by leading broadcast automation systems, instant replay
panels, video switchers, and many remote control devices. The Image Server accepts VDCP, P2,
and Odetics commands generated by most automation systems, on three 9-pin connectors. To
provide compatibility with simple controllers and push buttons, the server also provides GPI
(contact closure) inputs, and programmable command outputs.

Remote Serial Control

The Image Server’s three 9-pin serial control ports allows independent control of its video
channels. Each port can respond to channel ID numbers that are equal to, or multiples of, its base
number. For example, channel 1 will also respond to 4, 7, 10, etc. This can be helpful when
automation system needs to control many Image Servers at once.
Only one serial controller can control a video channel at a time. For example, the Image
Server’s multiple serial ports allow simultaneous connection of an automation controller and a
desktop editing controller. In this way, one could configure an edit controller on Channel 1 for
record, playout, and editing, while an automation controller on Channel 2 manages play-to-air
operations. Alternatively, a single controller could control the operation of all Image Server

Controller Priority

When the Serial Control box is checked, the first controller to gain control of a video channel will
have exclusive command. This prevents conflicting instructions from causing unexpected
behavior. However, a local user may take control of a channel by de-selecting the Serial Control
check box in that channel’s dialog window. A GUI window will pop up, indicating that the user
is about to take control from the Serial Port. Select YES to take control. The user may also take
control of the channel by selecting Control > Take Control from the Transport menu.
Many remote control protocols do not provide a method to send a “disconnect” message to the
Image Server, or communication might be lost before a disconnect command is received. This
may make it difficult for more than one controller to share a video channel. If a channel becomes
locked to a controller, you may use the GUI channel control window to break the lock by
deselecting Serial Control mode. Another controller may be connected to the channel by selecting
Serial Control and sending the new connect commands from the remote controller.

Communication Protocol Setup

Image Servers support VDCP, P2 and Odetics command protocols. Set the desired protocol for
each server serial port with the Serial Ports dialog box of the GUI, as shown in the following
illustration. From the main menu, select Configure, then System, then the Control tab.