This section describes printer operating features that may be configured to allow PrintAbout series printers to
communicate and operate with your computer and applications. These features are grouped into logical
groupings as “menus”.
Two methods are available to change the configuration features of the printer. The preferred method is to use
the Psion Teklogix Mobile Setup Utility, a Windows® based program which may be downloaded from the
Psion Teklogix web site. The other is to use the built in Control Panel Setup which is described on page 25.
Depending on what feature needs to be changed, you may need to use either one, or both, of these methods.
The tables below list the features available in each setup menu. Which setup method may be used to change the
values of these features is indicated by a checkmark. Items marked with an asterisk (*) for one of the setup
methods will have some restrictions on the values that may be set using that method. Following the tables are
detailed descriptions of each setup feature.
Setup Menu Summary
INTERFACE MENU – All Interfaces
Modify From
Menu Item Values Default Value Control
Panel Setup
Switch to Serial Interface Press Power to switch. n/a
Switch to Bluetooth Interface
(If installed) Press Power to switch. n/a 9
Switch to Wi-Fi Interface
(if installed) Press Power to switch. n/a 9
Print Interface Settings n/a n/a
INTERFACE MENU – Serial Selected
Modify From
Menu Item Values Default Value Control
Panel Setup
Emulation Printek, O’Neil, ZPL-II, Mt3, CPCL Printek 9 9
Baud Rate 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 57600 9 9
Data Bits 7, 8 8 9 9
Stop Bits 1, 2 1 9 9
Parity None, Even, Odd None
9 9
XON/XOFF On, Off Off
9 9
ETX/ACK On, Off Off
9 9
RTS/CTS On, Off On
9 9