Printer Configuration
Possible Values: Off, On*
This feature is used to set whether the printer may be discovered by other Bluetooth devices. It should only be
set to “Off” after the printer has been discovered and paired with a host computer.
Possible Values: 0*, Up to 16 Numeric Characters.
Note that this feature is only available if Paring Mode is set to Paired. The PIN value must exactly match the
PIN value set on the host computer.
Possible Values: Off*, On
Setting Security to On forces the printer and the remote device to use pairing. Setting Security On requires that
Pairing is set to Paired and that a PIN has been entered that matches the PIN in the remote device.
Local Name
Possible Values: FP-aaannnnn*,
Up to 16 characters of “0” through “9”, “A” through “Z”, “a” through “z”, “-“, “_”, SPACE
This feature sets the name that will be displayed by most host systems when “discovering” the printer. When
shipped from the factory, the default value for the Bluetooth Local Name is “FP-aaannnnn” where “aaannnnn”
is the printer’s serial number. This name may be changed to any combination of letters, numbers, dashes,
underscores, and SPACEs. The name may be up to 16 characters in length.
The following Wi-Fi Interface Menu features are only available and/or only take affect when the Wi-Fi
Interface is currently selected as the active interface. For information on how to select the active interface,
please refer to Control Panel Setup on page 25.
Note: Factory default values are indicated by an asterisk (*).
Possible Values: Printek*, O’Neil, ZPL-II, Mt3, CPCL
This feature sets the family of printer commands that may be used by a host application program to control the
various capabilities of the printer. The printer will only respond to commands valid for the currently selected
emulation. For more information, please refer to the MLP Series & PrintAbout Programmer’s Manual.