Alternate PTT Logic: activate slightly different program logic for controlling your T/R
switching via the COM port. (A few combinations of hardware and operating system
drivers seem to work better with this option checked.)
Tx Mute: mute the transmitter. Use with Auto ON to monitor one side of a QSO.
Enter new “To radio” callsign: clear the To radio and Grid boxes in preparation for
new entries.
Tx Stop forces Auto OFF: if this item is checked, clicking TX Stop during a
transmission will toggle Auto to OFF.
Mode Select desired operating mode from this menu.
Save Save Decoded: save any files producing decoded text in subdirectory RxWav under
your WSJT home directory.
Save All: save all recorded files in subdirectory RxWav of your WSJT home directory.
Band Select your operating band from displayed list. The selected frequency is used for
computing EME Doppler shifts and sky background temperatures.
Help Help: displays a brief message urging you to download and read the WSJT 4.6 User’s
Guide (the manual you are reading now).
About WSJT: displays version and copyright information.
Which message should I send? Choosing this item (or using shortcut F5) will pop up a
text box with reminders about the standard message sequences used for minimal QSOs
with FSK441, JT6M, and JT65.