Alphabetical List of On-Screen Controls
Note: some controls are visible only in certain operating modes.
Add: causes the displayed callsign and grid locator to be added to the database file
CALLSIGN.TXT. If an entry for this callsign already exists, you will be asked if you want to
replace it.
AFC: activate automatic frequency control in JT65 decoding algorithm.
Auto: toggles ON or OFF timed sequencing of transmit and receive periods.
Big Spectrum: display large waterfall spectrogram for most recently decoded file. Time
increases from top to bottom, frequency from left to right. This display can help you to
identify different types of signals and noise, distinguish wanted signals from birdies, etc.
Brightness: adjust brightness of waterfall spectrogram (FSK441 and JT6M only; slider
below large graphics area). Click Decode to see effect of change.
Clear Avg: erase text in average message box, and clear message accumulator.
Clip: normally set to zero. Increase its value to 1, 2, or 3 to apply soft, moderate, or hard
clipping to a signal before attempting to decode its message. May be useful to reduce the
effects of static crashes, etc.
Contrast: adjust contrast of waterfall spectrogram (FSK441 and JT6M only; slider below
large graphics area). Click Decode to see the effect of a change.
Custom/Standard Texts: toggles between two sets of TX messages. Custom texts can be
used to store messages such as grid locator or contest information.
Decode: analyze most recently recorded or opened file, perhaps after one or more decoding
parameters (such as Freeze, Tol, Zap, AFC, or Clip) have been changed.
Defaults: reset parameters W, S, Sh, Sync, Clip, Tol, and QRN to default values.
Dsec: adjust UTC clock reading in ±1 s increments to manually resynchronize with UTC or
with your QSO partner’s computer. (In general, it is best to keep the Windows clock set
accurately and Dsec set to zero.)
EME Calc: activate the EME signal-level calculator.
Erase: clear all information in main text box and graphical areas.
Exclude: remove most recent recording from the average message accumulator. Use this
option when you are sure that the program has synchronized incorrectly (for example,
because DF and/or DT differ substantially from expected values) and you wish to avoid
contaminating the average message with bad data.
Freeze: search only frequencies within ±Tol Hz of target DF set by clicking on red spike.
Gen Std Msgs: generate standard messages; also reset TX message to 1 and Tol to 400 Hz.
Include: if signal level is greater than –32 dB, add most recent recording to average
message accumulator even if Sync is less than stated threshold.
Lookup: search database file CALLSIGN.TXT for entry in To radio. If callsign is found, the
station's grid locator is retrieved and used to calculate distance, azimuth, elevation, and
Doppler shift.