Station order
Change the order of stations on your station list using this option. The current order is shown at the top of the screen. Choose from the following:
Alphanumeric | Displays all stations in alphanumeric order. |
Favourite | Displays your eight most listened to stations at the top of the |
| station list and the others below. Your favourite stations are |
| selected by how long you listen to each station and indicated |
| by a heart next to the name in the station list. |
Active | Displays active stations at the top of the station list and |
| inactive ones at the bottom, in alphanumeric order. Inactive |
| stations are those on your station list but not currently |
| available, marked with a ’?’. |
Multiplex | Lists stations in groups according to their multiplex. |
| Multiplexes are groups of stations owned and broadcast by a |
| multiplex operator. |
Trim stn list | Removes inactive stations from the station list. |
Favs presets Available only when Favourite station order (above) has been selected. Transfers your eight favourite stations to presets.
Manual tune
Find new stations or fine tune your reception using this option.
You see a list of channels and frequencies. Each multiplex has a different channel and frequency (E.g., BBC is channel 12B and Digital One is 11D), contact the DRDB (Digital Radio Development Bureau) by phone on 08707 74 74 74 or at www.digitalradionow.com for information on multiplexes.
1.Select the channel you want from the list.
You see a signal strength display. The marker indicates the minimum required level for reception and the filled blocks indicate the current level.
2.Move your aerial and try to raise the current level to the marker or beyond. You see the multiplex name at the top of the screen if a good signal is received and the stations in that multiplex are listed below and added to the station list.
Make the quieter sounds in a broadcast easier to hear at low volume or in a noisy environment using this option. The DRC (Dynamic Range Control) level of a broadcast is set by the station and sent with the signal. At the time of writing only stations such as BBC Radio 3 and 4 regularly broadcast a DRC level. Check with the broadcasters to find out if they use DRC on their stations.
Select one of the following options:
DRC OFF DRC is switched off. Any DRC level broadcast is ignored. This is the default setting.
DRC HALF DRC level is set to half that sent with the broadcast. DRC FULL Applies the DRC level as sent with the broadcast.
D AB 0 9 : 4 0
1 2 A 2 2 3 . 9 3 M H z 1 2 B 2 2 5 . 6 4 M H z 1 2 C 2 2 7 . 3 6 M H z
Manual tune
Great Britain