Recommended Accessories





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PYLE Audio PAHT4 manual Recommended Accessories

PAHT4 specifications

The PYLE Audio PAHT4 is an innovative and high-performance professional loudspeaker system designed to deliver superior sound quality for both indoor and outdoor applications. This versatile speaker is engineered for both DJs and live performances, providing a powerful audio experience that meets the demands of event spaces, clubs, and gatherings.

One of the key features of the PAHT4 is its robust construction, crafted with a durable ABS plastic enclosure that ensures longevity and reliability. This material is lightweight yet sturdy, making it easy to transport and set up at various venues. The protective grille adds an extra layer of security, safeguarding the speaker components from accidental damage.

The PYLE Audio PAHT4 boasts a maximum power output of 400 watts, which is sufficient to fill large rooms or outdoor areas with clear, crisp sound. The speaker is equipped with a 12-inch subwoofer that provides deep bass response, making it ideal for music genres that thrive on low-frequency sounds. Additionally, the built-in 1-inch titanium compression driver ensures that vocal reproductions are bright and articulate, allowing for clear sound at all volumes.

Another standout feature is the speaker’s dual input options, allowing users to connect various audio devices. It includes both XLR and 1/4-inch inputs, ensuring compatibility with professional mixing consoles, microphones, and instruments. The front-facing volume control adds convenience, enabling quick adjustments according to the environment and audience needs.

The PAHT4 also incorporates advanced technologies such as a wireless Bluetooth feature for seamless music streaming from smartphones, tablets, or laptops. This modern convenience allows performers and event organizers to play music without being tethered by cords, offering flexibility during events.

One of the significant advantages of the PYLE Audio PAHT4 is its portability. It is outfitted with ergonomic handles and a lightweight design, making it easy to carry and transport to different locations. Moreover, the speaker can be used in multiple configurations, whether as a standalone unit or as part of a larger sound system setup.

In summary, the PYLE Audio PAHT4 is a comprehensive audio solution that combines durability, portability, and powerful sound output. With its array of features and technologies, this speaker stands out in the competitive landscape of professional audio equipment, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance their sound experience.