PYLE Audio PSBV400 owner manual Movie Movie mode

Models: PSBV400

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Movie (Movie mode)

When enter movie mode interface as below.

Press.&. & ~ to enter USB drive or SO card.

Press OSO button to display OSO menu. ~ Icon back to host interface. ~ Icon to sorting file by first letter.See as below

Enter file content, press.&.and~button to choose file, press ENTER button to play.

When open a file it will point out whether play from the breakpoint or not.See as below

When playing video press OSO button to display OSO menu. Press<llll and ~ button to choose;press ENTER button to enter each

option; press STOP/RETURN button to return. Press it to choose audio track.

Press A to display subtitle.

Press I§I to choose subtitle encode. Press A to choose subtitle color. Press A to choose subtitle size. Press to choose display rate. Press C to choose cycle mode.

Press .0lil to choose sound channel choose.

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PYLE Audio PSBV400 owner manual Movie Movie mode