Detecting a Failure

id = service.reset() self.processResponse(self.resetResponse,id) print "request",binding.agentIdentity(),id

def resetResponse(self): print "result"

In addition to "conversationId()" the member function "currentResponse()" is also available. This member function returns an object providing both the "conversationId()" and "sender()" member functions. If you need the service binding object for the service agent who sent the response, you can perform a lookup against the service registry using the service address provided by "sender()". Note though that you shouldn’t assume that the service binding object will be avail- able as the remote service may have been withdrawn by the time you make your query.

Detecting a Failure

If you send a service request to a service agent and you need to detect if a failure occurs, you will need to have registered a callback using the "processFailure()" member function. A failure may oc- cur due to the service not supplying a method to handle the request you made, an incorrect number of arguments being supplied, an error within the method being called or because the remote service agent was withdrawn before a response was received.

When a failure does occur, the details of the failure can be obtained in a number of ways. If the callback you provide doesn’t take any arguments, you can obtain a failure object detailing the error which oc- curred by calling the "currentFailure()" member function. The member functions provided by the failure object are "error()", "description()", "origin()" and "details()". The con- versation id associated with the request which failed can be obtained using the member function "conversationId()".

Of the member functions provided by the failure object, the "error()" member function returns an integer error code. The "description()" member function returns a text description of the error. The "origin()" member function returns a string which in some way identifies the origin of the er- ror and "detail()" may contain as text, extra details relating to the error which has occurred.

class Client(netsvc.Service): def __init__(self,name):

netsvc.Service.__init__(self,"","") service = self.serviceEndPoint("SMS") if service:

id = service.uptime() self.processResponse(self.uptimeResponse,id) self.processFailure(self.uptimeFailure,id)

def uptimeResponse(self,result): print result

def uptimeFailure(self):

id = self.conversationId() failure = self.currentFailure()


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Python 7.0pl5, Python Manual manual Detecting a Failure