Servlet Framework
becomes congested. Although the servlet may be forced to wait before it can send more data, any other jobs in the event system will still be serviced, including other HTTP requests.
Logging of Requests
By default no information is logged about requests. If you wish to log what requests are being made against your application using the HTTP servlet framework, you need to set the environment variable "OTCLIB_HTTPLOGCHANNEL" to the name of the log channel to record the information on. The en- vironment variable needs to be set prior to the first request being received by the application through any instance of the HttpDaemon class.
dispatcher = netsvc.Dispatcher() dispatcher.monitor(signal.SIGINT)
daemon = netsvc.HttpDaemon(8000)
filesrvr = netsvc.FileServer(os.getcwd()) daemon.attach("/",filesrvr) daemon.start()
The format of the logged messages is the same as Apache web server common log file format except that no matter what version of HTTP is used, the url component of the request is always expanded to its complete form. That is, it will be prefixed with "http://hostname:port" as appropriate. Nor- mally this would only be the case if the request originated with a client supporting HTTP/1.1 protocol and a full url had been supplied by the client.
If you do not want information about requests appearing in the default log file, but want to split out the logged messages into a distinct log file, or otherwise treat them in a special way, use a hidden log chan- nel and create a user defined log channel to capture them.