ISIS 102W Performance Curves (ISIS W-102W similar)
ISIS 102W Bi-Amp Setting, Individual Driver Response and Impedance vs. Frequency
ISIS 102W Bi-Amp Setting, Response vs. Frequency with Recommended Signal Processing1
(1) QSC DSP configurations with the recommended signal processing are available at http:\\www.qscaudio.com
ISIS 102W Bi-Amp Setting, Beamwidth vs. Frequency with Recommended Signal Processing1
Frequency (Hertz)
Frequency (Hertz)
Frequency (Hertz)
LF Impedance HF On Axis
LF On Axis
HF Impedance
SPL (dB)
SPL (dB)
On Axis
50° Off Axis
Impedance (ohms)
100° Off Axis
Beamwidth (degrees)