Turn-on/turn-off muting

The amplifier outputs are muted for a couple of seconds after turn-on, and immediately at turn-off.

Short circuit protection

The Output Averaging™ circuit protects the output devices from short circuits and stressful loads.

Clip limiting

During normal operation, the clip limiter does not affect the audio signal and is, in fact, inaudible. It will allow brief clipping of peaks, activating only when continuous, hard clipping occurs. The clip limiter will then reduce the audio signal (up to 10dB) to minimize clipping. When clipping ends, the clip limiter will deactivate and cease its gain reduction.


Mise en sourdine lors de

la mise sous/hors tension

Les sorties sont coupées pour quelques secondes quand on allume l’amplificateur, et immédiatement quand on l’éteint.

Protection contre les


Le circuit Output Averaging™ protège les transistors de sortie contre les court-circuits et les charges difficiles.

Limiteur d'écrêtement

En utilisation normale, le limiteur d'écrêtement n'affecte pas le signal audio et il est en fait inaudible. Il permet l'écrêtement des transitoires et n'entre en action que lors d'écrêtement prolongé. Dans ce ças, le limiteur réduit le niveau du signal audio (jusqu'à 10 dB) de façon à minimiser l'écrêtement. Lorsque l'écrêtement cesse, le limiteur se retire et cesse la réduction de gain.



Stummschaltung bei

Enmudecimiento de

An- und Ausschalten


Der Verstärkerausgang ist nach dem

Las salidas del amplificador se

Einschalten für ein paar Sekunden

enmudecen durante unas segundos

stummgeschaltet. Bei Ausschaltung

al encender y apagar.



Schutz bei Kurzschluß

Protección contra



Die „Output Averaging™”-Schaltung

El circuito Output Averaging™

schützt die Ausgangstransistoren

protege los dispositivos de salida

vor Kurzschluß und Fehllast.

contra corto circuitos y cargas




Limitando clips

Während normalen Betriebes ist der

Durante el funcionamiento normal

Clip-Limiter unhörbar. Er erlaubt

del amplificador, el limitador anti-clip

kurzes harmlosen Clippen und wird

no afecta a la señal de audio y, de

erst dann aktiv, wenn hartes,

hecho, es inaudible. Permitirá breves

dauerndes Clippen erfolgt. Der

clips debidos a picos de señal y solo

Limiter wird dann das Audiosignal

se activará cuando se produzca un

reduzieren (bis zu 10 dB), daß nur

clip continuo o prolongado. El

noch geringes Clippen erfolgen

limitador reducirá entonces la señal

kann. Hört das Clippen auf, wird der

de audio (hasta 10 dB) hasta

Limiter abgeschaltet und beendet

eliminar el clip. Cuando el clip

damit die Verstärkungsreduzierung.

desaperece, el limitador se


desactivará, finalizando su reducción


de ganancia.




Page 26
Image 26
QSC Audio PL-1.8 Clip limiting, Protection contre les Court-circuits, Protección contra, Corto-circuito, Limitando clips

PL-1.6HVX, PL-2.4MB, PL-1.0HV, PL-1.0, PL-1.4 specifications

QSC Audio has long been a leader in the audio industry, providing high-quality amplification solutions for various applications. Among their robust product offerings, the PL series stands out, encompassing models like the PL-1.8, PL-1.5X, PL-2.0HV, PL-1.4, and PL-1.0. Each of these amplifiers is designed with specific features and technologies that cater to both professional and performance needs.

The QSC PL-1.8 is engineered for versatility, delivering up to 1200 watts per channel at 4 ohms. This powerhouse amplifier is designed to handle demanding audio environments, such as live performances or installations in larger venues. The onboard DSP (digital signal processing) ensures optimal performance, allowing users to tailor the sound to specific acoustics.

Next, the PL-1.5X offers similar power capabilities but comes equipped with a unique feature set intended for flexible application scenarios. This model supports both stereo and bridged modes, enabling it to adapt to various system setups effortlessly. The PL-1.5X is noted for its lightweight design, making it easier to transport without compromising on sound quality.

The PL-2.0HV is an advanced model tailored for high voltage applications. This amplifier can provide up to 2000 watts per channel at 4 ohms, making it suitable for larger sound systems that require high power output. Additionally, the PL-2.0HV incorporates advanced thermal management technology, ensuring durability and performance even during extended use.

For those needing a compact solution, the PL-1.4 is an excellent choice. It boasts a robust power output of 600 watts per channel at 4 ohms, making it perfect for smaller venues or as part of an intricate multi-channel system. Its compact chassis is designed for easy integration into any rig, making it an ideal option for mobile sound applications.

Lastly, the PL-1.0 rounds out the series, targeting users who require reliable performance in a more compact form factor. This amplifier provides 300 watts per channel at 4 ohms, making it suitable for small installations or monitoring setups. Despite its size, the PL-1.0 doesn’t shy away from high-quality audio, delivering clean, powerful sound.

In summary, the QSC Audio PL series exemplifies innovation and performance. Each model, from the PL-1.8 to the PL-1.0, is engineered with advanced technologies and design attributes that cater to a variety of audio requirements. Whether for live sound, installations, or mobile applications, these amplifiers provide reliable, high-quality audio across the board.