Thermal protection

A variable-speed fan provides adequate cooling air flow. However, if the heatsink temperature should climb above 90° C, the outputs will mute until the amplifier cools down.

DC fault protection

The amplifier will shut down if DC or excessive subsonic energy appears at the outputs.

Input/output protection

The input circuits are isolated by resistors. An ultrasonic network decouples RF from the outputs and helps keep the amplifier stable with reactive loads.

Protection thermique

Un ventilateur à vitesse variable fournit le courant d’air nécessaire au refroidissement de l’amplificateur. Si la température du radiateur devait dépasser 90° C, les sorties seraient coupées jusqu’à ce que l’amplificateur ait suffisament refroidi.

Protection contre une

anomalie CC

L'amplificateur sera éteint en présence de courant continu ou de signal subsonique excessif aux sorties.

Protection entrées/


Les circuits d’entrée sont isolés par des résistances. Un circuit ultrasonique découple les RF (Radio Fréquences) des sorties et aide à maintenir la stabilité de l’amplificateur sous des charges réactives.



Ein drehzahlgeregelter Lüfter sorgt für kühlenden Luftstrom. Falls die Kühlkörper dennoch über 90° C erhitzt werden, werden die Ausgänge bis zum Erreichen einer sicheren Betriebstemperatur stummgeschaltet.

Schutz gegen


Beim Auftreten von Gleichspannung oder übermäßigen, tieffrequenten Signalen (Infraschall) an den Ausgängen, schaltet sich das Gerät selbständig ab.



Die Eingangsschaltungen sind mit Widerständen isoliert. Ein Ultraschallfilter entkoppelt Hochfrequenz von den Ausgängen und stabilisiert die Ausgangsschaltkreise gegen rückwirkende Störpegel oder Störspannungen.

Protección térmica

Un ventilador de velocidad variable proporciona el flujo de aire adecuado para le refrigeración. Si la temperatura del radiador sube por encima de los 90° centígrados, las salidas se enmudecen hasta que el amplificador se enfría.

Protección contra

corriente continua

El amplificador cortará si hay corriente continua o demasiada energía subsónica en las salidas.

Protección entrada/


Las entradas están aislidas a través de resistencia. Una red ultrasónica elimina la radiofrecuencia de las salidas y ayuda al comportamiento estable del amplificador con cargas reactivas.


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QSC Audio PL-1.5X, PL-1.0 Thermal protection, DC fault protection, Protection thermique, Protection contre une Anomalie CC

PL-1.6HVX, PL-2.4MB, PL-1.0HV, PL-1.0, PL-1.4 specifications

QSC Audio has long been a leader in the audio industry, providing high-quality amplification solutions for various applications. Among their robust product offerings, the PL series stands out, encompassing models like the PL-1.8, PL-1.5X, PL-2.0HV, PL-1.4, and PL-1.0. Each of these amplifiers is designed with specific features and technologies that cater to both professional and performance needs.

The QSC PL-1.8 is engineered for versatility, delivering up to 1200 watts per channel at 4 ohms. This powerhouse amplifier is designed to handle demanding audio environments, such as live performances or installations in larger venues. The onboard DSP (digital signal processing) ensures optimal performance, allowing users to tailor the sound to specific acoustics.

Next, the PL-1.5X offers similar power capabilities but comes equipped with a unique feature set intended for flexible application scenarios. This model supports both stereo and bridged modes, enabling it to adapt to various system setups effortlessly. The PL-1.5X is noted for its lightweight design, making it easier to transport without compromising on sound quality.

The PL-2.0HV is an advanced model tailored for high voltage applications. This amplifier can provide up to 2000 watts per channel at 4 ohms, making it suitable for larger sound systems that require high power output. Additionally, the PL-2.0HV incorporates advanced thermal management technology, ensuring durability and performance even during extended use.

For those needing a compact solution, the PL-1.4 is an excellent choice. It boasts a robust power output of 600 watts per channel at 4 ohms, making it perfect for smaller venues or as part of an intricate multi-channel system. Its compact chassis is designed for easy integration into any rig, making it an ideal option for mobile sound applications.

Lastly, the PL-1.0 rounds out the series, targeting users who require reliable performance in a more compact form factor. This amplifier provides 300 watts per channel at 4 ohms, making it suitable for small installations or monitoring setups. Despite its size, the PL-1.0 doesn’t shy away from high-quality audio, delivering clean, powerful sound.

In summary, the QSC Audio PL series exemplifies innovation and performance. Each model, from the PL-1.8 to the PL-1.0, is engineered with advanced technologies and design attributes that cater to a variety of audio requirements. Whether for live sound, installations, or mobile applications, these amplifiers provide reliable, high-quality audio across the board.